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Hard to hold corporations accountable when they own the politicians.
It’s still well worth the effort. We’ve got a planet to save. And our own silly asses along with it. ;-)
Agreed. If you try and it fails then you are just building evidence that the system doesn’t work (or works exactly as intended) and needs to be replaced. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you don’t try then you just have the same worthless system doing the same awful things with no paper trail to show for it.
Probably should prosecute them as well.
And the world new and kept buying, and driving, and flying. Prosecute everyone, I’d say.
If you didn’t know, it’s because you weren’t paying attention:
Now off you go sue your parents for manslaughter.
You’re right of course. Everyone should have just died from their refusal to participate in society. SMH.
This is snarky sarcasm, in case that wasn’t obvious.