A few weeks ago I found out that AVB has high CBN content so I wanted to try it out. Some dude said that he would just take a capsule of AVB and that was enough. I decided to try it out a couple of weeks ago and it’s worked great. I started with more than I needed but I woke up a bit groggy so I’ve skimmed it down to a very little amount and it’s still working. I also vape THC, CBD, CBG so it’s a nice combo with the CBN at night. It might just be placebo but it’s ended my difficulty sleeping I’ve had the past few months. Anyone else use AVB in this way?

  • @oaschbeidl
    11 year ago

    Nah, I sleep pretty well as it is. But I’ve used AVB for sleeping during long bus rides and flights before and it knocks me tf out. Which is mostly why I stopped collecting it because it has no recreational or medicinal value for me personally.