I’ve picked a master lock (3 I believe). I also picked all the little cylinders that came with the lockpicks I ordered. Sparrow progressive. I even respinned one… Mostly due to accident.

Where do I get more locks? I think I just need the cylinders. What are these called? Where do I buy them from? I’m mostly looking for cheap and they don’t have to have a practical purpose. I’m just wanting to pick them for kicks.

  • Death_Equity
    1 year ago

    The Kwiksets are basically only destructive defeat locks. They have every permutation of pin available and will only turn if exactly picked or are broken.

    The first gens are “easiest”, the 3rd Gen Kwiksets are only reasonably defeated by destruction.

    • BakedCatboy@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Ah well I’m definitely not talking about 3rd Gen then, some of mine rake open and most will open with a snap gun. I just picked up the cheapest kwiksets in home Depot so I could get rid of the mismatched handles in my apartment. They’re easy to re-pin and pick (most of them, I still struggle with one of the 2 spooled ones) and as a beginner it’s nice to have a few I can become familiar with.

      Edit: it looks like first Gen is still smartkey so I guess I’m talking about before even that. Just a regular non-smartkey lock. Maybe it’s easier to find non-smartkey kwikset keyways in the budget brands - all the landlords buy home Depot’s defiant brand so that’s what I was looking at to get matching knobs for my place. I don’t think I’ve seen a defiant with smartkey.