• Lvxferre
    1 year ago

    Biological evolution and languages changing over time. They’re so similar that we can create a lot of parallels between both that are useful for both disciplines:

    • “species” as defined by the shared genetic pool vs. “language” as defined by mutual intelligibility
    • ring species vs. dialect continuum
    • horizontal gene transmission vs. borrowing of vocabulary, grammatical features, and phonological features
    • cladograms are pretty much the same, including their pros and cons
    • latest common ancestor being a hypothetical construct vs. “proto-” reconstructions (e.g. Proto-Romance vs. Latin)

    Because the underlying reasoning is exactly the same. You have an abstract system that piles up small changes over time, and those changes may be shared across different populations within that pool.

    You need to watch out for a few differences too. For most part, biological evolution is driven by the interaction between phenotype and the environment, while linguistic evolution is more often than not some mutation with no intrinsic selective value, piggybacking on something outside language (e.g. speaker prestige).

  • Dandroid
    121 year ago

    Aren’t Sudoku and protein folding essentially the same problem? Like, if you could write a computer program to solve sudoku in polynomial time, you could adapt that solution to solve protein folding problems in polynomial time? Or something like that.

    Someone who is smarter than me, please chime in.

    • @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      You’re talking about the theory of p = np. The idea that any problem whose solution can be verified quickly can also be solved quickly. This has not been proven or disproven, it’s a bit of an open mystery in computer science, but most are under the impression this is not the case and that p != np. Someone smarter than me please verify my explanation in linear time please.

      • @GoofSchmoofer
        81 year ago

        Yes. Your explanation used proper English and punctuation. As for whether p == np or p != np I don’t know.

      • Riven
        31 year ago

        Specifically I think they’re talking about the subclass of np problems called “np complete” that are functionally identical to each other in some mathy way such that solving one of them instantly gives you a method to solve all of them.

        • @Barbacamanitu
          11 year ago

          Is it only no complete? Or does this include np-hard? I just posted a comment about this and thought it applied to np-hard.

          • Riven
            11 year ago

            My understanding is that it’s layered. An np-complete solution solves all np and np-complete problems, and an np-hard solution solves all np, np-complete, and np-hard problems.

            Of course by “np” here I mean non-complete non-hard np problems.

    • @Barbacamanitu
      11 year ago

      I heard on Stephen Wolfram’s podcast the other day that all NP Hard problems are equivalent. For example, you can embed the halting problem within the traveling salesman problem and vice versa. I believe this means that solving one would automatically solve all the others.

  • @[email protected]
    121 year ago

    It took me a while to figure out that an over-the-counter sleep aid and the Benadryl I would buy for allergy symptoms were, in fact, exactly the same drug, Diphenhydramine, packaged under different names.

    • @TurnItOff_OnAgain
      31 year ago

      And is available much cheaper, and in greater quantities online VS your local drug store

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        And it also is a derailant and can make you see spiders on your skin and shadow people stalking you!

        • @Barbacamanitu
          01 year ago

          And has been linked to dementia, alzheimers, and personality disorders.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            Just anecdotaly my dad is/was having some health problems. he got to the point he couldn’t carry a conversation and couldn’t walk in a straight line without falling over.

            He finally told me he was taking benadryl packaged as one of the OTC sleep aids, but taking it nightly for months or years. Once me and his doctor convinced him to stop he improved like 400x better within two weeks. He never noticed a difference.

            I only knew it was a problem because I took large doses in highschool and his symptoms seemed similar once I could connect the dots.

            • @Barbacamanitu
              21 year ago

              That’s crazy, but I’m not surprised. Benadryl is fucking poison. It sickens me when I hear of parents giving it to their children just to make them fall asleep. I had an ex who’s mom would give her large doses every night just so she wouldn’t have to deal with her. She said she often saw shadow people her entire childhood. I’m convinced benadryl played a large role in her developing BPD.

              That and growing up on the internet is really changing the way kids brains develop. Personality disorders are becoming extremely common. Humans are just different than they used to be.

    • @Barbacamanitu
      11 year ago

      I recommend not ever taking benadryl. Its been linked to lots of disorders and diseases, like dementia, alzheimers, and personality disorders. It can also create traumatic experiences that last a lifetime.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Other medicines too, acetaminophen is in some headache stuff I have so when I got a cold I just popped that when I was out of cold medicine

      • @CaptainPedantic
        31 year ago

        Be careful with acetaminophen. Since it’s in lots of other meds like you said, if you don’t read the labels it’s pretty easy to take too much.