as well as sesame street characters
Like 90’s advertisers obsessed with X and “Extreme” everything
Now there’s a name…
Oh yeah and wrestling. I still occasionally “X” people out thanks to D-Generation X.
wrestling gets away with it because its like over the top extreme to be absurd
There exists a paintball store named Extreme Paintball. It had all its employees end their interactions in the same way:
Have an extreme day!
This guy is so goddamn lame holy shit
And x-children
Him being obsessed with the letter x is the most tismed trait he has
He would definitely fit a 420 in there too.
XxXBaddDuuudXxX: I don’t understand why anyone gives him grief for his opinions on the letter X
xxxxxc0ldazz!cexxxxx: I know right? BUNCH OF LIBTARDS
Maybe it’s because of the replying user’s name starting with “Classical Studies”.
But I immediately started reading X as a roman numeral and got quite confused :)Is SpaceX run by these guys?