• @[email protected]
    236 months ago

    I mean, they’re absolutely right, but this has big pot-calling-kettle-black energy: the LPC had control of the housing file since 2015 and pretty much sat on their hands during the worst affordability crisis in, well, ever.

    Neither party is philosophically equipped to do what needs to be done (tax the wealthy, directly build public housing at scale, use punitive tax measures to prevent speculation, ensure services are available before bringing in immigrants en masse) because both parties are absolutely committed to neoliberal orthodoxy, and neither is willing to stop the money train.

    • @[email protected]
      56 months ago
      1. Milhouse calls hair guy bad
      2. Hair guy shows the receipts
      3. #bothSides
      4. Why switch then, just to get a bag of other really cruel, bad ideas as well with no improvement to housing?
      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        I mean, you’re right. It’s just unfortunate that the choice is between milquetoast neoliberalism and proto-fascist neoliberalism.

        • @SamuelRJankis
          56 months ago

          I’ve never had a federal ballot with less than 4 choices.

          As long as people are convinced that there’s only 2 choices. Conservatives and Liberals politicians will remain winner and Canadian will be losers.

        • @[email protected]
          -66 months ago

          Nah. Trudeau talks milquetoast liberalism, passes proto-fascist legislation. The choice is that or good old asshole conservatives.

      • @[email protected]
        -96 months ago

        Maybe some of us want some rights left by 2030. People don’t seem to realize how fascist the liberal leaders are, just look at all their legislation. If the truly far right ever get in charge, these clowns have already done the preliminary work.

    • @[email protected]
      106 months ago

      Housing costs have been going up dramatically since the early-90’s. Having said that, Trudeau’s done sweet fuck all to fix it in the last 8+ years, but the guy before him did fuck all to improve housing affordability in the 11+ years prior… In fact, it’s been like this for nearly 30 years… Brian Mulroney and Jean Chretien BOTH pulled funding on housing.

      So, fuck all politicians, fuck our electoral system, and especially fuck Trudeau for bathing in the applause of thousands of voters after stating that 2015’s election would be the last under First-Past-The-Post.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        I don’t recall any other party importing more than the population of Saskatchewan in 18 months, during a pre-existing housing crisis though. It has not been like this for 30 years, it’s been like this for 3. Sure things were rough if you chose to live in Vancouver. Now it’s rough all over and people with any option are choosing not to live in Canada at all.

        • @[email protected]
          16 months ago

          Psst, it’s not just Canada, it most Western countries except like Japan. Just look at how bad the states is getting too. And the housing would be going up with or without immigration.

          • @[email protected]
            46 months ago

            Every western nation knows that the post-9/11 low-interest moneygasm is coming to an end, and that immigration is the only way to keep the party going.

            They’re all to chickenshit to ask the rich to pay their fair share, and brown people make easy scapegoats anyways, so why not?

          • @[email protected]
            6 months ago

            The states is really only getting bad in the major centers, and even in some of them, Miami looks cheap to me and I live in fucking Saskatchewan. Devaluing the currency to send everyone money in the mail was not a sound plan, said it before, said it during, now we are literally in the “We fucking told you” stage. Now what does Japan not allow much of again?