I’m exited for something that doesn’t take place within the same 50 year window of time.
Definitely 100% done with the resistance era, and any canon material that comes after it.
Kinda done with the clone wars era stuff, but at least there are still some niche avenues left unexplored.
Also definitely done with anything rule of two. The idea of it has ruined any chances of writing actually interesting dark side characters, because you’ll always see the same cycle of student-master power struggle.
It’s about time sith ideology was portrayed for what it is actually supposed to be, and not just “bad guys with red lightsabers”. Curious what this show will bring, but not quite convinced yet. Only thing that will definitely get that right is a truthful, both-sides, Old Republic era show covering all different factions of interest without presenting any one as morally superior.
Agreed. Here’s to hoping it will be closer to Andor than Ahsoka in terms of overall quality.
I agree, but that’s such a tough thing to read.
If you had asked me before either came out Andor or Ahsoka I’d have picked Ahsoka 10 out of 10 times.
That isn’t to say Ahsoka was bad, it was just fine, but Andor was absolutely amazing.
This show would be my third pick, so based on how bad I am at guessing this will be amazing.
I think from the trailers it was obvious which of those would be better. This smacks more of Ahsoka. Dear god let it not be Obi Wan.
I don’t know, the best movies and TV shows have just been the ones where they’re more free to do what they want. Rouge one, madalorian, andor were all able to define and build their characters how they wanted and only loosely tie into the bigger world. Bobba Fett, Ashoka, Obi-Wan, Sequels all had a lot of baggage to deal with.
The writing in Obi-wan was just absolutely awful. The sequels suffered from a lack of leadership direction for something that was planned as a trilogy. Boba Fett missed the fact that people loved Boba Fett because he was a mysterious badass. Ashoka I really enjoyed. It had flaws and it was definitely no Andor, but it’s no Obi-wan either. Ashoka’s biggest flaw was it was Rebels Season 5 and it was sold as it’s own series. I can’t imagine getting into that show without having seen Rebels prior to watching it.
Ashoka , to me, was like watching someone slowly plod across a floor and deliver a standard line, then swing around furiously, then plod back to the other side.
it was just clunky.
Link with site tracking removed: https://youtu.be/BtytYWhg2mc
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You’re doing the lord’s work!
Looks like a fan film that scrounged up enough money to hire Carrie Ann Moss. Jedi fighting, yawn.
I’m optimistic about it. I always have to remember that there is unlikely to be the run-time or episode count to soak in all the world-building and let the characters breathe, but if they have a decent story to tell, this certainly looks the part.
Alas they did not.
It had its moments, but overall I can’t disagree.
Looks great. Can’t wait
Oh sweetheart, please just stop… The heart died a while ago, you’re just squishing the chest cavity now.
Looks like it’ll be (hopefully) slightly better than Ahsoka
Turns out it was shit. Ffs
Not sure about the wushu(?) Style Martial arts. It’s very distinctive and kinda breaks the immersion for me. But it looks cool and it would be nice to have a story fully unrelated to past plotlines.
Wushu means “martial arts”. Did you mean wuxia?
Referring to this, especially stylized theatrical demonstrations.
Ah… I didnt knew it was also a specific style of martial-arting. My bad.
This is dumb but I can’t fucking stand that haircut that’s become the basic “young black guy” haircut in everything. The short dreadlocks “combed” over to one side. It’s the same level of cringe as the packet of dried noodles glued to the front top of the head style that so many shitty kids have.
It’s one of those weird things where it just disturbs me deep into the soul so I can’t stand anything that features it. It makes anyone that has it look like a complete douchebag.
I tried to play the new Prince of Persia game, but quit after 5 minutes and won’t try again just because the guy you’re playing as has that fucking haircut. I don’t know why I hate it so much.
I mean, the hairstyle trend is annoying, but it’s a little pointless to complain about it so vocally.
Like, it makes sense from like a Black or African-American YouTuber (I actually watched a couple videos talking about this hair trend cause I was curious) to talk about it and be annoyed, because it’s basically relegating representation to one thing.
I did see a video where one guy is looking through the customization options for Hogwarts Legacy, and that game actually probably has the best Black hairstyles of any game I’ve ever seen.
ETA: I didn’t realize the guy had the Killmonger cut until like the last 20 seconds of the trailer. I was more impressed by the assassin’s/acolyte’s hair with the red and the beads.