I’ve got a bit of a system.

I’ll add games into my ‘To-do’ list/Group on whatever system I happen to be playing on. Then eventually get around to spending half an hour with it. If I enjoy it, I’ll keep playing until it’s done or I’ve decided I’ve had my fill.

If I’ve decided I’m enjoying it, but don’t have the time or that I’m not in the right headspace for it, the game moves into my ‘I’m not done with you’ list/group; and I’ll eventually find the time for these games… eventually. Games like Hollow Knight and Outer Wilds have come out of this group, and I’ve enjoyed them greatly.

If I don’t enjoy that half an hour, I usually ditch the game entirely and it gets thrown into the metaphorical trash bin, never to be heard from again.

Why half an hour? Well, I don’t have much time so the idea of spending 3-4 hours of time to see if a game is worth my time is…kinda impossible for me. The thirty minutes gives me a little time to evaluate if I’m interested in continuing, whilst also forcing me to actually play some of these games.

What’s your system?

  • @jordanlund
    710 months ago

    Every morning I start by checking my Outlook calendar to see what meetings I may have been invited to when I was asleep.

    Then I go through all my emails and see what Jiras were updated overnight.

    Using that info, I update caselog information.

    Then I check Slack to see what people want from me there…

    Oh… GAMING backlog… fuck if I know…

  • @GlitterInfection
    610 months ago

    Mine seems to be to keep buying games on sale and then forget that I did and never play them.

    I like your system better.

    I was thinking about starting a “todo” list for movie watching and maybe I should try that for games.

  • @[email protected]
    210 months ago

    I don’t have a system, and I have a pretty bad backlog of unplayed games. Your system sounds pretty good though. I’m very tempted to try something similar :)

  • @[email protected]
    210 months ago

    Bought a Steam Deck, refused to buy any additional games, still get through games slower than I accumulate freebies and presents. I do try and throw in a few small games between big ones though.

  • @MacedWindow
    110 months ago

    I don’t keep a backlog but I have a personal goal of beating two games a month. It usually gets me to take a break from whatever 40-80 game I’m playing to check out an indie or retro game I can beat in one to two sittings. My backlog is definitely much smaller since I started.