What are some of your favorite scifi book authors, and books by them?

Alastair Reynolds has written on of my favorites ever, House of Suns, and I really like the lore of his Revelation Space universe. I especially enjoyed the spinoffs exploring the Yellowstone demarchy centered around Panoply.

Inhibitor Phase ended up a weaker entry, imo, charachters that felt a bit too much like Mary Sues. Like mere excuses to exposition dump about the universe itself. Which did enjoy immensely. Still I would much rather have seen some large scale change occur, rather than a the mere zoom-in on some catalytic events.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Love Revelation space.

    Other authors I like:

    • Elizabeth Bear (the White Space books)
    • Martha Wells (Murderbot series)
    • Dennis E. Taylor (Bobiverse)
    • Adrian Tchaikovsky (Children of Time, plus one of my all-time favourite novellas, One Day All This Will Be Yours)
    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Children of Time is one of my all-time favorite books. Still need to get around to reading the sequels.

  • @Goldenderp
    11 year ago

    Oh wow, i loved the revelation space series, i didn’t even know of inhibitor phase! Thanks for that

  • androogee (they/she)
    1 year ago

    My favorite author is Gene Wolfe. His stuff doesn’t connect with everyone, but it definitely connects with me.

    That man was a magician. He didn’t just write stories, he cast spells. I don’t know of anyone else like him.

    The Sun series is my favorite. If you’re curious, the collection of his short stories is quite good.

    The Island of Doctor Death And Other Stories And Other Stories

    I’ll have to check out Reynolds! Sounds interesting

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I enjoyed his other series too if you haven’t read them - Blue remembered earth and Revenger universes most recently. In general though he’s much better at world building than tidying up the narrative.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    If you haven’t read the Culture books, you should check them out. It isn’t hard scifi, but lots of cool ideas and great storytelling.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Neal Asher, the Polity series. Greg Egan, so many but start with Permutation City maybe. Neither are as beloved as the Revelation Space ones for me, but I really enjoyed them. Also Uplift Series by David Brin (Tchaikovsky, too} for uplift fiction, Fast Times at Fairmont High by Vernor Vinge of you like singularity fiction, Charles Stross’ Accelerando is a bunch of great, weird short fiction with ties between the stories. I have only read Bobiverse book 1 but it was good, I will probably read more. Stephenson, I love them all, maybe Anathem best of all. I’ll stop here because this is something I could probably keep going with for quite a while hehe.

  • @tallwookie
    11 year ago

    I was always a fan of:

    • Larry Niven (Known Space/Ringworld)
    • Frederik Pohl (Heechee Saga)
    • Kim S Robinson (Mars Trilogy)
    • Jerry Pournelle (mostly his collaborations with Niven)
    • Arthur C Clarke (Rama series)
    • Stephen Baxter (Xeelee Sequence)