I played Diablo, Diablo 2, Diablo 3, and Diablo 4, all on their respective launch days. I really enjoyed the first two, and kinda hated the third one until they fixed all the bullshit. However, Diablo 4 was a piece of shit from day one. I enjoyed it for approximately 10.724 days. Rounding up. I’m absolutely done with Blizzard. I don’t know what happened to what used to be an absolutely gobsmacking lip pulling jaw dropping studio, but it’s clear that the suits took it over and fucked it.

Anyway, I’m gonna leave this open for a while, and give me your thoughts on whether I should leave this open or ask the admins to kill this community.

  • XhieronM
    423 months ago

    There’s nothing wrong with wanting to step away. I’m not playing any Diablos at the moment either. But many of us were also done with D3 before it course corrected.

    Outright shuttering the community would be short-sighted. If you’re absolutely 100% sure you’re done, then you may want to step down, but I also feel like that might be something you eventually come to regret. The future is uncertain.

  • @[email protected]
    353 months ago

    Don’t close a community. Give it to those who would still run it. Ask your fellow mods if they want to run it.

  • Blxter
    263 months ago

    I for one like the small communitys that are based on one game etc so I vote don’t close it.

  • CannonGoBoom
    243 months ago

    Considering they just announced major changes to the game that people have been asking for, maybe just give it a minute.

  • @CrackhappyOPM
    193 months ago

    So far, it’s looking like I will not be shuttering this community. Instead I will look to give it to someone else who hasn’t lost their passion for Diablo.

  • @charles
    193 months ago

    Does the Simpsons community shutter even though most of the fan base agrees they put out 25-30 bad seasons since the peak?

  • @Yokozuna
    193 months ago

    Diablo 4 content isn’t the only thing that can be posted, I’ve seen people post content from D2 as well. Don’t close the community. Find someone else willing to take it over.

  • @Stovetop
    103 months ago

    I have no horse in this race since I haven’t played a Diablo game in years, but given that there are still people who play and enjoy the series, maybe just see if someone else would be interested in taking over management of the community?

  • wuphysics87
    73 months ago

    Being upset about a game is a pretty piss poor reason break up a communitty. But what do I know. I just got clickbaited by this infantile tirade.

  • @[email protected]
    63 months ago

    I have no opinion on the community but Diablo 2 will forever be one of my favourite games. Although it did get a little better after a few years 3 just was never even close to being as good in my eyes. After the launch of 3 was when I swore off Blizzard and their shit and it has only got worse from there it seems.

    I haven’t even tried 4 and I won’t be, blizzard don’t deserve any of my money to even try it. I haven’t even played the remastered version of 2 because I refuse to give them money. I guess slash d2 servers is all that is left for me xD

  • @[email protected]
    63 months ago

    I don’t know what happened but…

    Blizzard North got shuttered is what happened. Then Activision took over, and now all that matters is profit line go up. Blizz stopped giving a shit about making “good” games long ago.

  • @ObamaBinLaden
    63 months ago

    Why are you guys being weird about it?

    You can always just make someone else mod and then just leave from here.

  • @SuperSynthia
    42 months ago

    I’d ask you keep the community going. Just discovered it, will be contributing threads when season 4 drops

  • @saltesc
    43 months ago

    I stopped not far into end game. Just boring and work.

    Last Epoch is fun though. Breath of fresh air after D4.

  • @ObsidianZed
    23 months ago

    I’ve enjoyed the other games having played Diablo I the most. I played the open beta for IV and pretty much got bored with it before the beta even ended. Never did buy it. I figure I might pick it up if/when it’s in sale for under $20 or so to at least get the story.