I’m sad to report that this is not true.
Aw, well maybe it’s coming!
If Apple really wanted to spearhead sportsball representation, theyd give me a Harlem Globetrotters color option.
Th- that’s what she said
What iOS version?
Most recent. I just updated yesterday.
Barring a bug in a recent beta, this is probably not going to actually happen.
(As cool as it may be.)
Most recent isn’t an iOS version.
Depending on your device, the latest iOS version is either iOS 12.5.7, 15.8.2, 16.7.7 or 17.4.1
17.4.1 would be the most recent no?
Like it’s the latest version, of the numbers you listed.
But aeronmelon says that they updated their phone yesterday, that means they have the latest version that is available for their device, not the latest version.
Well it’s not working so I’m guessing it’s some other version, or this is made up by OP
Latest version isn’t the biggest number, it’s whatever the most up-to-date you can get a device is.
The latest version may not be any of those and it may be in beta.
What iOS version?
Thanks. It seemed too stupid to make up, but also too stupid for Apple to actually do it…
Well, they are just ahead of their time.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barkley,_Shut_Up_and_Jam:_Gaiden (It’s stupid fun)
How have I never heard of this?!
SNES emulator, if you can’t find it let me know I have it on my desktop. The story is so fucking good dumb. So fucking dumb in the best way. Gameplay is actually alright, like an old SNES RPG.
Here is the mood music. https://youtu.be/lWKQiZVBtu4?si=_hH1cn01OeJgcEKH
Edit: ahhhhhh I can’t simp any harder for this game, just the plot gets me going.
“In 2041 “post-cyberpocalyptic Neo New York”, Charles Barkley performs a powerful “Chaos Dunk” at a basketball game, inadvertently killing most of the people in attendance. As a result, basketball is outlawed and many basketball players are hunted down and killed.”
It just gets crazier from there…
Amazing. I’m going to have to try this one of these days.
Shut Up and Jam Gaiden is not playable on a SNES emulator, sadly.
Am I misremembering? I swear that was how I played it…
Yes. It’s made with Game Maker. Maybe you’re thinking of the original game?
This is the developer’s website. It’s not an SNES ROM and it’s perfectly legal to download. I believe they made it in RPGMaker.
Ok, THAT makes sense. Thanks!
Anyone that changes colour of emoji are weird.
I like the default one because it makes me feel like I’m from the Simpsons
Wait, you’re not?
I think they’re from the wild thornberries.
I read an article which stated that by Apple introducing the colorized emoji, they actually increased racism. The author said that people feel awkward not using the different skin tones since they’re there, but by doing so they expose their race, which opens them up to racist attacks and makes them stand out of the group. I’d argue that it’s just exposing the racism that was already inherent in the community, but I didn’t write the article.
Yeah, it’s a bit of a double-edged sword. It could reduce racism by making people of color more visible. Most racists aren’t inherently pro-white, rather they’re picking some arbitrary criteria for us vs. the others. As a result, making it visible to them that their ‘us’ is lots of people of color, they’ll drop that nonsense criteria pretty quickly.
But of course, chicken-egg and all that, people experiencing racism may not necessarily want to expose their race for the reasons you named, and so they don’t become collectively visible.
Just use a different race emoji everytime doesn’t have to match you
That’s extra work for no reason, when the orange-yellow one is default.
But then people would start being accused of racial appropriation
NGL, I’ve witnessed and experienced this phenomenon and I think we should go back to stick figures for emojis.
My former boss always made sure we knew she was white when she used emojis. I’m like, lady- we all see you. Even the people who work remotely see you via Zoom meetings. You don’t need to let us know you’re white. Why are you making an effort?
Emojis are contributing to racism https://imgur.com/gallery/871WEZh
I think it’s weird not to use a skin colour emoji. An everyday form of prejudice is the assumption that white is the default. Black or brown is an exotic/diverse category. That other people have odd customs and social norms, but our customs and religions are normal.
It’s even worse in design where the default human we design for is a man, hence women struggling with phone sizes that are too large for their hands. I think anything that helps break away from these default assumptions is good.
We already know from the Simpsons that yellow is a stand-in for white so it’s not neutral. There’s a white skin colour emoji, and by not using it when black/brown people use the other emojis, you’re refusing to acknowledge that you too have a non-neutral, non-default skin colour.
But I don’t want to choose my emojis based on the colour of my skin, I’d prefer to use something “neutral”, and while yellow as you said is not really neutral, it’s the closest thing we have to a neutral colour from all available options. I also don’t think unicode requires that the unmodified emoji be rendered as being yellow (correct me if I’m mistaken), and it’s probably apple and google who just decided that their fonts should render them as being yellow. I imagine one could with another font make them be magenta or some other color.
I think it was a mistake to go with yellow in the first place and I see the case for changing it to magenta/green/anything.
But I think when we’re representing people or human hands it’s necessary to allow for skin colour, and by not doing so we’re needlessly erasing people. I’m just not a fan of the ‘it’s racist to bring up race’ argument, which is not what you’re saying but the original comment was veering towards
I’ll be honest, anyone making judgements about skin color of emojis needs some real issues to focus on.
New fun activity in RimWorld
1 more Masterwork Human Leather Basketball and I’m off this planet for good!
Wait, so standard orange color basketballs are made of Oompa Loompa skin? Gaahhhhhhh!!!
Special Presidential edition
Can’t afford the $175M price tag.
Was going to make a similar joke
I’m already creeped out by the fleshtone emojis as they imply that Simpsons primary yellow is a normal colour of human skin.
I thought the whole point of emojis being yellow in the beginning is to eliminate the hassle of making one for every skin tone.
And then some assholes got offended by it and demand the exact opposite.
Person 1 - “We want equal rights and protections for all people, fair wages, and the right to live healthy and happy without the threat of state sanctioned violence”
Capitalism - “Sorry, best I can do is performative gestures with no real world impact.”
Person 2 - “These got dam libs ruined my emojis!”
Yellow is too white.
I like the fact that I can use emojis that are in my skin tone.
And if you’re tired from playing basketball all day maybe read a book bound in human skin to relax.
Ash wants a word
Well yeah. What kind of skin are you making your basketballs out of, dolphin?
Squid, actually
We make terrible basketballs.
Now puffer fish on the other hand…
*New England Patriots noises*
Is the ball made of me, or am I made of ball?
Would fit into a Wolfenstein game. We in Germany have lampshade made out of human skin, in a concentation camp.
🏀 Excellent (human leather)
Look if they didn’t want to be made into basketballs they should have stopped raiding me.
In this chat, we stan for blacksket ball
It’s good that this was done, otherwise people may believe that all basketballs are made by oompa-loompas.
Just updated to the latest iOS (
) and it (un)fortunately does not work 🥲This is probably just a consequence of how unicode emoji modifiers work
But why on earth is the basketball modifiable with the skin color? Are we going to do that with all emoji? Are we finally gonna have the 🍆 in all skin tones?
That’s not how it works. A user may add to the modifier character but they still need to be an actual image change to actually cause the character to do anything.
It’s not a tint it’s actually a different image that’s being loaded.