What are some tips for dealing with solicitors (door-to-door salespeople)? Our neighborhood gets a lot of them.

We have a “No solicitors” sign hanging on the front door. Nevertheless, they knock, ring the doorbell, or worse, yell through the front window when it is open, trying to get our attention.

We have a Ring video doorbell and have enabled the automatic “Sorry, we’re not interested” announcement after 15 seconds. These pushy SOBs ignore the sign and the announcement.

When I ultimately find out they are soliciting and I ask why they ignored both the sign and the doorbell announcement, they usually say something like, “I’m not selling anything. I am just working with some people in the neighborhood…” or some such BS.

My wife and I work from home and have had to explain the window shouting to coworkers in meetings. We also have two small children who could be trying to nap at any given time. We have good reasons to not want to be disturbed at home and these assholes disregard that wish.

I will write a negative review online if I find out their name and company they are representing. Any other ways to get these people to leave us alone?

  • @Tot
    272 years ago

    A friend of mine had a sign on her door that warned about a sleeping baby, please don’t make noise and wake the baby!

  • justhach
    232 years ago

    Turn it on them. Start preaching about religion, politics, or any other divisive topic until they are uncomfortable enough to leave on their own volition.

    • esty
      22 years ago

      yesssss start preaching whatever religion comes to mind. doesnt matter if you believe. talk their ear off and MAKE THEM REGRET IT

    • @[email protected]
      12 years ago

      Even better, start preaching to them about something that actually matters like doing something about climate change or inequality. With luck you might convince them too. Though they might turn it around and try to use it to sell stuff to you so you have to be pretty adamant about yourself. What are they going to say, they are the ones who intruded on your home.

  • @AdamEatsAss
    152 years ago

    Wow Ive never had anyone yell at me through the window before. But several times I’ve been seen at home by soliciting individuals and I’ve just shut he curtains and not answered the door. If they’re payed at all it’s by the number of people they sign up, they shouldn’t waste much time on someone who clearly doesn’t want to buy into what they’re selling. If they continue to knock after that you may have to open the door ant tell them youre not interested and to leave your property/stop harassing you. Depending on local laws if you document asking them to leave and they keep at it you can try calling the police on them for harassment. Or you could just call the police right away and claim that they’re trying to kick down your door and youre scared for your life. Should get a quick response and will quickly let everyone in the neighborhood know not to knock on your door. Just be careful nkt to cry wolf too much.

  • @[email protected]
    132 years ago

    Counterlogic: Act WAY too interested. Like a crazy person. Unbreakable eye contact. And start asking them very personal questions about themselves with a huge smile on their face.

  • BrooklynMan
    2 years ago

    I answer the door naked, then relentlessly mock their belief in the make-believe until they fuck off.

    average time to fuckoffery: 12 seconds

    edit: I’ve wrecked a Mormon boy’s ass or two in my day. they always thanked me.

  • _haha_oh_wow_
    112 years ago

    Post “No Trespassing” signs, in many places, those are legally enforceable. If they choose to trespass, call the cops on them.

  • @[email protected]
    112 years ago

    I usually answer the door holding a hatchet and tell them to get the fuck off my property. Tends to do the trick.

    • @[email protected]
      82 years ago

      Calmly, while holding up the hatchet, say this:

      “If you are still standing there in ten seconds, I will kill you.”

      If they say or do anything other than run away, start counting down:

      “Nine… Eight…”

  • Superfly Samurai
    102 years ago

    I don’t need a reason to not be bothered at my home, other than being at my home.

    I have a side window and just glare at them and shake my head “no” disappointingly. I don’t give them the satisfaction of opening the door.

    The ring doorbell sounds neat, but I think it’s easier to ignore then a human.

    I would also follow up with a 1 star review of their company if they behaved that way at my house. And probably shame them on our neighborhood social media pages. With video from my ring doorbell. (I don’t have one, but you do.)

  • BarqsHasBite
    62 years ago

    More elaborate sign saying no this… no that… Or try the affirmative, one that states deliveries only, no others, etc.

  • @[email protected]
    62 years ago

    Speak to them in some forgein Language, you just need to remember a few phrases to convince them you dont speak their language

  • Stardust
    52 years ago

    Maybe try putting up signs saying ‘ARMED AND DANGEROUS’, ‘NO TRESPASSING’ and ‘BEWARE OF DOG’. If you don’t have a dog, you can just play dog barking sounds.
    A dog on a chain in front of your door is a pretty good deterrent if you’re willing to do that though.

  • @[email protected]
    32 years ago

    Open the door with your phone recording a video. Nobody is going to be comfortable with that as a conversation starter. When they ask why you’re recording, just tell them you’re “making a true crime documentary and need footage of the victim.”