This is an appreciation thread. All 4 games are iconic to me. Way underrated.

To me, midnight club is everything need for speed wanted to be. Need for speed had a few hits and many misses. Midnight club was 100% hits. And they aged incredibly. They’re still fun as hell.

If you never played and you dig arcade racing games, go play. It’s an open city racing game. Variety of racing types, endless challenges, and really great mechanicsi just wish it was as.pophlar as it deserves to be.

  • TomAwsm
    611 months ago

    I’ll take your word for it, but no arcade racing game will ever be as fun as the old Burnout games (mainly 3 and Revenge). Certainly not 100% hits though…

    • @foggyOP
      111 months ago

      Don’t take my word for it.

      Burnout is a high ranked but clear second place.

  • @XeroxCool
    511 months ago

    I only had MC3:Dub Edition, but it definitely set some permanent musical tastes in the way Tony Hawks did

    • Pirky
      111 months ago

      I have that and also MC:LA for the PS3. I recently learned that Rockstar never officially ported MC:LA to the PC so the only official ways to play it are on the PS3 and 360. And sadly RPCS3 still needs more optimization before it’s playable. I get about 15-30 fps whenever I try it.

      • @foggyOP
        11 months ago

        I am currently playing through midnight club Los Angeles on RPCS3 on Ubuntu 22.04.

        I would say it is about 70 to 90% stable. There are certain areas of the map that load it lower frame rates. Certain updates of RPCS3 have seem to affect this. Perhaps I should be more actively communicating in their community.

        I am right now running a particular build of RPCS3 for midnight club LA.

        0.0.31-16277 (from 4-1-24)

        I’d say it’s about 85-90% stable. Totally playable ehat promoted this whole thread.

  • @edgemaster72
    411 months ago

    Midnight Club II on the og Xbox was the first game I ever played online (and with voice chat to boot), and it. was. Glorious.