We’re trying to find out.
If you’re thinking about calling the cops, they’re already gonna be there without the uniforms.
Way ahead of you.
Oh yes, “the cops”. That’s what I call my “boom boom” friends, too.
This is a dog whistle right? I’m certainly not a 2m tall person of jewish heritage with 20/10 vision who unironically want’s to know where this event is being held for personal reasons.
I legitimately want to know where they’re holding it so I can disrupt it. Not dog whistling.
winking face intensifies
A hotdog whistle.
My bologna has a first name…
Anyone wanna cosplay as William T Sherman and fire up some southern BBQ?
They’re having a little picnic and campout for Hitler’s birthday.
It would be cute if it weren’t so… icky…
Is it under the read more?
I tried clicking it but nothing happened.
It would be such a shame if the site was pre-rigged with Semtex.