• southsamurai
    1810 months ago

    Is that weird? Some lady trying to make a buck and live what she considers a good life gets screwed by shitty laws?

    I dunno. Maybe the fact that she was in a tesla makes it a little weird, but I figure that just means she was successful at making some bucks selling weed.

    • @ericbomb
      10 months ago

      Reading the article isn’t over rated my friend!

      She was specifically selling mushrooms, weed, cigs, vapes, and alcohol to teens.

      • southsamurai
        210 months ago

        Tried to, couldn’t without jumping through digital hoops, and fuck that noise.

        It’s one of those things where if the source is going to throw popups, it’s the poster’s option to summarize or provide info, or just accept discourse on what is provided.

        Being honest though? It depends on the exact age as to whether or not I would change/remove my previous statement.

        Prohibition is a fail by default. The U.S. has chosen to go to war with its own citizens over substances many times, and it only serves to cause different problems.

        With teenagers, how bad the effects are varies as they age, and I would still state that the the laws involved are shitty unless they take that into account as well as the fact that there’s always a black market. The solution long term is better efforts at giving good information to prevent use, and better support when bad choices happen.

        There is a threshold where the effects are just too severe, so it starts becoming more about the abuse done to the teens than what substances are involved. Past a threshold, it’s a waste of resources to try and jail people for selling things that are easily available despite laws.

        Now, that threshold age is a problem in all that because I haven’t run across anything that can pin it down exactly where the teenager suffers worse effects than an adult would, and how much, for a given substance. So laws including providing harmful substances as a form of abuse based on age would be difficult, but still better than blanket prohibition.

    • @jordanlundOP
      910 months ago

      Prohibiting dealing to kids is not a shitty law.

      • southsamurai
        1310 months ago

        Well, the title says to a UC cop, not to kids, and the article is walled off, so there’s that.

        • @jordanlundOP
          810 months ago

          “The sting followed an investigation into a woman who went by the name of “Night Church” on the social media site and was selling drugs to teenagers near schools and parks across the metro Portland area, according to Lake Oswego police.”

          • southsamurai
            310 months ago

            I’ll paste in a link to a comment I already left, further up the thread. But the gist is that with the customers being teenagers, it doesn’t necessarily change my opinion about drug laws in this case. And it certainly doesn’t change them about prohibition in general.


    • @jordanlundOP
      310 months ago

      Doesn’t really, just a descriptor.