After Israel killed seven aid workers in Gaza, the US says it has not found any incidents of Israel violating international humanitarian law in the past six months. An Al Jazeera probe concluded the World Central Kitchen vehicles were deliberately hit.
Israel, with US backing, is destroying the concept of international law. It’s now clear to everyone that the so-called international rules based order isn’t real and that the rules only apply to US enemies like Russia.
I think we’re seeing a repeat of the League of Nations.
That and brown people don’t count as people.
That’s the bigger one. They’re happy to enforce the rules on brown people when they attack brown people, or white people on white people, and all hell is unleashed when it’s brown on white, but when it’s mostly white Israelis on mostly brown Palestinians you get crickets.
And that’s why I don’t like cricket.
Eh. It still seems more interesting than baseball, and it’s more exotic where I live, which the hipster in me likes.
In case this was actually unclear, there’s a media trope of using the sound of crickets (the animal) to emphasis a silence.
Poor Russia!
You might have missed the point lol
No point taken for sure. I just don’t really feel bad that Russia was stopped from genocide in Ukraine even though it’s not “fair”. The US being able to enable Israel is absolutely deplorable though.
The US has destroyed it’s credibility against Russia’s war of aggression by supporting Israel’s genocide. It’s undermining its own authority.
These things are connected.
How do you look at these two things and not draw connections or conclusions? Is history just a series of disconnected events to you?
So you don’t think it’s good that Russia is being stopped from genocide in Ukraine? You’re really saying the quiet part out loud here. I agree that the US has no credibility but I also think things would be just as bad if China and Russia were in charge.
All I was saying is that just because the US is not doing enough to stop genocide in Palestine doesn’t mean that Russia is a victim for not being allowed to engage in their own imperialism. USA bad. Also Russia bad. Maybe worse? Doesn’t excuse US actions but Russia isn’t some underdog that’s being picked on unfairly.
I don’t think it’s good that the US is lighting it’s credibility on fire to support Israel because it will make it impossible to stop other wars of aggression like Ukraine! You are not seeing the big picture. Next time Russia invades a country everyone will ignore the US’s claims about international law. International law has to be applied equally or it ceases to exist
I agree. I also think it’s better to have 1 genocide instead of 2 genocides. I’d much prefer zero though.
It does seem like there’s some pressure for the Biden administration to stop being so hypocritical in their foreign policy. I’m hoping things are going to change though it’s happening far too slowly. We’re very lucky that we’re not in another Trump administration or things would be way worse.
I can’t imagine what it takes to stand up there and say that shit with a straight face. Fuck you for representing my country.
Its not your country. Youre its property.
Who’s property are you?
Your mom’s.
Or… Or I was. She’s not taking my calls. An empty chamber in my heart.
Clown country
I wish it was more funny :(
How it feels to be me whenever the White House talks about israel:
Oh god dammit put down the monkey paw, we just had this with the last guy.
Holy hell, how can he say that with a straight face?
Politicians are professional liars
And I’m really insulted they’re not doing a better job.
Thought this was an Onion article from the headline
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Love that americans are still worried about elections of all things as if anything other than organized violence will stop a capitalist government from committing genocide.
americans are too chickenshit and comfortable to do anything than complain. i wish we were more like the french.
I thought that was what the 2nd Armament was for, but apparently it’s actually for killing school children.
Only the brown ones, but yes. See: Mulford act
The white kids who die are just an acceptable cost, I guess.
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whatever country you’re pretending to be from
The american chauvinist cannot comprehend people being from other countries
“Israel” is a US colony; it’s entire existence hinges on the latter.
Its formation used common british colonization tactics [III], with companies literally named “Colonization Commission”, “Jewish Colonial Trust” and the like.
Theodor Herzl, founder of the colonial ideology he called “zionism”, was himself also just a racist colonizer by his own admission, and saw it as bringing ‘civilization’ to ‘barbarians’ as the rest of Europe did when they were colonizing and enslaving Africa and Asia:
“We should there form a portion of a rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism. We should as a neutral State remain in contact with all Europe, which would have to guarantee our existence.” Source [II]
Only difference now is that the US has been the de facto leader of the imperial core since WW2, no longer UK in Europe.
And capitalist governments work for the interests and profit of capitalists rather than workers as is the reason for the genocide here (keeping the middle east unstable and unable to unite against imperialism with a colony right in the middle of Africa and Asia), so yes that does matter.
“Israel” is a US colony; it’s entire existence hinges on the latter.
I think I disagree with this.
Puerto Rico is a colony. There’s a very clear difference in how the empire treats colonies and how it treats extensions of itself. Israel, rather than being a colony, is actually just an extension of the US empire. It’s like the 51st state, it’s an equal partner in the imperial project.
Israel is committing genocide with American bombs and American protection and American approval. This war could be ended if Biden just stopped giving them more bombs and stopped protecting Israel from the consequences of its actions. Israel is the 51st State, America’s unsinkable aircraft carrier, it’s an American genocide. We don’t get to hide behind a proxy and pretend we are not directly responsible.
The #1 thing I’ve noticed this go round is how the best even the most dem pundits and supporters can come up with is “Yeah Biden does it but Trump will do it worse”
I’m not even convinced that’s true when it comes to this issue. Trump, at least, narcissistically cares about what people think of him enough that he could maybe be swayed by public opinion. Biden has been a hardline Zionist his entire career and sees backing Israel to the hilt despite the public outcry as a moral imperative.
Besides, how do you get worse than eagerly aiding a genocide?
Eagerly aiding a genocide while also doing one at home, but you know biden wouldn’t stop it if the fascists just did one, so he’s not really better than trump OK that either.
At least if trump tries to genocide me, he’ll be using poorly primed hierarchal power and you’ll get a lot of mutinies. Like, a non-trump fasch genocide is blood in the streets, and I’m so fucking shit at that, so my odds are like 10% and its definitely a bad time. If trump orders it, There’s a 50/50 chance the local air force base mutinies and flips on him because poverty draft, and I either get s hellfire missile or I don’t.
Yeah. I don’t know Trump would help this situation at all but it wouldn’t be this bullshit. That’s for sure. And I want to be very clear I do not and did not want a president trump.
Ttumo has explicitly said he thinks Israel needs to finish the job.
Jesus Christ, inform yourself before you say shit like this.
Trump says a lot doesn’t mean him or his party would be doing the same if they were in this role lol.
If you want to believe that Ttunp is lying to you about his feelings towards Palestinians, than there is nothing I can say to change your mind.
That is pure uninformed lunacy and you absolutely know better.
when Trump was in office, liberals at least pretended to care. They took COVID somewhat seriously, masked up out of spite, they paid lip service to the BLM protests. These past 4 years they’ve truly gone back to brunch. maybe if ol’ Mango Mussolini gets back in, they’ll pretend to give a shit again.
Sufficiently grand disorganized violence or sufficiently organized property destruction could also work.
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Yup :(
I don’t envy you Americans. Here in Canada we have our own set of idiots too and it almost always boils down to voting for the least worst person :(
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Yeah you only have Conservatives to choose from. It sucks.
Brought to you by the same country that invaded iraq for Weapons of Mass Destruction that were never found…
And Iraq the first time, for the incubator lie ( )
and about 400 other countries before and since that
the US says it has not
foundlooked for evidence of Israel violating humanitarian law.FTF them.
American officials scoured their own belly buttons, even removing some old cotton, but found no evidence of Israel violating humanitarian laws.
Seriously, I bet any investigation went something like “Hay Ari, sorry I have to ask, it’s just a technicality, you see… you’re following all humanitarian laws, right?”, and then their IDF lunch buddy went “Absolutely not, we do only the gentlest airstrikes and the Palestinians shake our hands in the rubble afterwards”. Grilling the Israelis is something they’re not ideologically accustomed to, let alone making them prove anything.
US helps commit genocide.
Which, to be fair, is kind of a step up from their usual.
doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt doubt
And anyone trusts anything the US says why?
Because while it is morally crap. It is technically correct.
Palestine is not recognised as a nation internationally. And historically never has been.
So no international law applies to actions being committed.
That isn’t even true in our shitty system.
It has an nation observer seat at the UN, was a nation as a “mandate” after WW1 and the ICJ did make a ruling saying that Genocide was being committed there that the US passed a law threatening Palistine from recognizing.
On top of this most of the world recognized palistine as a country only 55 of the 193 (194 if we are counting the Holy Sea/Vatican City) do not recognize palistine. I would call that International recognition if 139 members of the UN Recognize Palestine.
So I really do not get what you are trying to say here, because it is not even techincaly correct, the International Court of Justice, United Nations General Assembly, International Red Cross Cressent and Crystal have all said it is a vioilation of international law.
This is before I start listing the individual counts of them violating just the geneva conventions, that apply to a signitory when they they fight any war reguardless of if the other side is recognized or a signitory. and agian Palistine is internationaly recognized
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Did you have a stroke when typing palestine
Visually impaired. So missed the autocorretion being crap
I wish some of the reporters had said to him in the last interview, “so, they’ve investigated themselves and found they did nothing wrong?”
Why would anybody think that the US could have beef with settlers killing civilians?
USian here: Yes they did.