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We’re adding the ability to customize this in the upcoming release, but I’m wondering what people think would be a good default.

The 4 pieces of showable/hideable info are: Upvotes, Downvotes, Score, and Upvote %.

In Jerboa, I had a temporary default (until the next lemmy release), of Score + Upvote %, but people seem to dislike this a lot.

I’ll check back on this in a week to see the result.

  • @[email protected]
    192 months ago

    I think simple always wins, and that is Upvotes + Downvotes. It gives you the size of both sides of the coin, while it also allows me to kinda see “woah, this post is generating lots of engagement”, whereas score + % may show a 2 + 50% and I don’t really know what that means.

    • @[email protected]
      12 months ago

      2 + 50% means that 51 + n people upvoted and 50 + n people downvoted, where n is a natural number. Making the % (x): 50% < x < 50.50%, where x is rounded down to 50%.

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        A smartass and wrong! You obviously messed up thinking OP’s initial upvote wouldn’t count towards the percentage. The correct formula is n + 2 upvotes for n downvotes, which makes 0.5 < (n+2) / (2n + 2) < 0.505, solve for the smallest possible n₀ = 100, giving us 102 + n upvotes and 100 + n downotes

        • ElTacoEsMiPastor
          12 months ago

          I love this being a reply instead of an edit, ha.

          Thanks for laying out what calculations would be needed, and why it may be a little harder to parse for a layperson.

  • mesamune
    2 months ago

    One of the biggest complaints with reddit was the artificial up/down score that they changed your ability to see. Before, you would see and watch the up/down votes happen in near real-time, so it was easy to see if something was artificially pushed up or down. I would like us to at least keep up/down votes as an option.

    Also great idea letting the user decide what they want. Kudos to the team.

  • SavvyWolf
    162 months ago

    I’m on a Jerboa version which displays the number of upvotes and number of downvotes separately, and I think that’s the best way of doing it. We’re not Reddit; we don’t need to do smoke and mirrors to obscure data.

    I do appreciate you giving us options though.

  • southsamurai
    102 months ago

    Another up and down preference here. It really is the optimum way.

  • the post of tom joad
    92 months ago

    I like the way they’re currently displayed. Upvotes/Downvotes. I don’t think downvotes are negative, i think of all points as engagement points. I want nothing that obfuscates the reaction to my or other’s words

  • Eager Eagle
    42 months ago

    I can see Score + Upvote % being ambiguous. At the same time, I think the point of showing downvotes is to have an idea of the ratio of users that agree / find it useful, so I think a percentage conveys this information better than absolute numbers.

    So my vote is for Upvotes (Upvote %) - this gives a general idea of how many votes there were; the upvote/downvote ratio; and the fact both numbers refer to upvotes reduces ambiguity.

  • ElTacoEsMiPastor
    22 months ago

    The easiest to grasp at a glance is Upvotes/Downvotes.

    Though I understand how Score + Upvote% would be useful, percentages are impactful when there’s more than 100 reactions (which is uncommon).