My ship is like Grandma’s house. Everyone boarding gets a hug. I’d make oatmeal cookies if I could.
I like to hug people who come out of the pod, so they accidentally go back to their ship.
Everyone gets a hug. Pre-mission, mid-mission, post-mission, and just when I feel like it.
Best emote.
It really is. The rock paper scissors one is really well done, but nothing feels as good as the hug.
I like the exploding fist bump too.
It also doubles as the Tony Stark emote, giving it even more versatility.
That too. Can’t launch an ICBM without basking in the democratic shockwave that follows.
Are you really playing Helldivers if you’re not hugging the hommies?
The animation is really surprisingly tender. The Helldivers even softly turn to gaze into each other’s eyes before breaking their embrace.
Seriously! Especially when all the other emotes are like salutes and fist bumps, going to the hug gets me all emotional.
Our group when not in full usually stand at the deck and have the hug emote ready for the random’s that join our mission.
And I’ll hug all of you
Lol we do the same thing. Or we’ll stand in the corner spamming the Z button to make a circle jerk.
Two sides of the wholesomeness spectrum, really.
A fellow helldiver was calling the two button doors “Friendship doors” and needed help opening them. I decided to go over and help, and after I was done, I offered a hug and they accepted. It was the best.
You jest, but it’s small things like this that make this already magnificent game even better. It’s also down to the community, which does seem to be, as a whole, a lot less toxic than most similar fandoms online, especially for competitive games.
Right before getting on the evac
One of the greatest things
If someone does the scout handshake with you, offer a hug and when the animation starts presss S.
Hug is even better as a jerk emote than the intended jerk emote.
Dudes starved for physical affection thanks to toxic masculinity be like:
Nothing wrong with a little Tactical Tenderness.