I’m always interested in hearing other’s stories and what they’re working on. Anyone care to share?

  • nshki
    71 year ago

    I started off in 2005 on Neopets. There was a feature that let you create your own custom pages for anything which I thought was the coolest thing at the time. I had to learn HTML and CSS to get started.

    Turns out that was way cooler than Neopets. Don’t get me wrong, Neopets is awesome, but I absolutely fell in love with building with code back then. Fast-forward to now, I’m a senior dev at a VC studio helping various startups get off the ground.

    I’m a fan of learning and building, so it’s kept me in this career ever since. It’s been fun seeing the times change with all sorts of tech. Am a giant fan of FOSS and love contributing where I can.

    • @[email protected]OP
      21 year ago

      I did the neopets thing too! I remember having to ask the local library to acquire books that taught HTML and CSS so I could learn it!

      • nshki
        11 year ago

        Yessss such good times. Love the shared experience.

    • QHC
      11 year ago

      I posted my full story elsewhere, but my origin as a coder also starts with a game before I realized that coding was more interesting. In my case it was C&C: Red Alert, which was the first video game I got for Christmas.

  • Dr. Wesker
    51 year ago

    Both, though since going pro, I have less time for hobby coding. Or rather I should say, my eyes and brain can only take so much.

    I’ve been a hobbyist script guy for a long time, and had no aspirations to start a career as a SWE. The opportunity just fell into my lap, when I joined a startup in an entry level support position, and wrote some tools to make my workflows easier. A director took notice, and got me a position on a new engineering team. The rest is history. Turns out I really like doing it professionally, as well.

    I’m a BE engineer, working mostly in Python. Telecommunications stuff, can’t really say more.

  • @SpaceNoodle
    1 year ago

    Started as a hobbyist; took it up professionally, but never stopped hobbying. It was the BASIC listings for simple games in 3-2-1 Contact magazine that hooked me; books, family, and later the Internet helped me learn more and grow, and eventually I got a scholarship to go to college for computer engineering.

    Currently between personal projects while I write platform code for autonomous vehicles. For fun, I do some personal web stuff and embedded IoT for smart home bits & bobs.

    • @netwren
      41 year ago

      I clearly lost a bet about 10 years ago that we’d have autonomous cars everywhere by now.

      As an insider of DevOps. It’s not really that magical for most firms or that new it’s mostly marketing fluff made to sell more capable admins.

      What’s your cynical take on autonomous vehicles?

      • @SpaceNoodle
        51 year ago

        It’s a really really hard problem and while lots of really really smart people are trying really really hard to make them happen, it’s still going to take a really really long time and people are going to be really really resistant to the idea while Tesla keeps making the technology look really really bad, which is already starting to result in the government get really really suspicious and pass some really really stupid laws that will really really hurt progress.

        Even once we’ve got real robot cars on the road, it’s going to be a niche novel technology for a good while since people are too stupid to realize that we’re far worse drivers. There may be an iPhone moment by some current or new player in the field, making the service sexy and attractive and even fashionable islf not merely desirable; the current prevalence of services like Uber will help with this cultural shift, but it’s way too early to tell exactly what this will look like.

        Autonomous vehicles in some shape or form are an inevitability, but it might just end up boring, hamstrung, or relegated to basic operations like forklifts or shuttles.

        • @netwren
          21 year ago

          Wah wah, but !remindme in 10 years because I’m pretty sure you’ll be exactly right. Sounds very reasonable. Thanks for your response.

  • @netwren
    41 year ago

    Started out apprenticing as a Sysadmin, have been doing that until I got into DevOps. Always had an interest in programming as I was always limited in what I could do by what people had already created.

    I’ve used Python, JavaScript, Golang, and now Rust over the course of my career.

    Currently learning wasm and how Rust’s borrow checker and generics get along.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Same, except instead of Golang and Rust it is PowerShell and YAML plus a touch of Ruby on Rails back in the day. I live in the land between sys admin, SRE, and Operations. Process automation, IaC, and system automation.

  • cowvin
    31 year ago

    I’ve been a professional software engineer in the game industry for 22 years now. I started off in school at first on Apple computers with Basic, then when I got a graphing calculator in school I started writing tools for school work and games on it all the time. After college, I wasn’t sure what sort of software I wanted to work on (dot-com era), but one of my good friends talked me into applying to some game companies. I’ve been in a bunch of different companies since then but right now I’m working on online systems for one of the biggest online games.

  • RandomBit
    31 year ago

    I’ve always wanted to learn to code ever since my first computer: an Atari 800. In middle school I learned Turbo Pascal and then on to college. Software engineer and now software architect has been my career ever since.

    After a day of meetings and coding for “the man”, I rarely have the energy to code on my own. If I do, it’s usually in pursuit of another hobby such as my home lab.

    • @TitanLaGrange
      11 year ago

      Turbo Pascal crew checking in!

      While I tend to avoid it, I still do work in Pascal today!

  • @neomachino
    31 year ago

    Professional but even if I wasn’t I’d still be coding for fun. Since having my first child I haven’t done many side projects but my day job satisfies most of my development passion.

    I develop/maintain a mammoth of a Frankenstein application that used in the trucking/shipping industry. The main bones are built in perl/mysql but there’s some PHP, Python, React, and for a reason no one knows, an ASP/C# portion.

    I personally love the wide range of tickets and languages I get to mess around with. I’m currently taking elastic courses to get certified paid for by the company which has been great.

  • @TheOneCurly
    31 year ago

    I’m a professional C++ developer. I started with a Visual Basic intro to programming class my freshman year of high school, took a few more of those, then went to college for computer engineering.

    Now I work on embedded boiler controls.

    • @[email protected]OP
      11 year ago

      Interesting line of work! Everything needs programming these days, so I guess that means there’s a spot in every in field.

  • @_MoveSwiftly
    21 year ago

    Professional, but I’m an engineer at heart and simply love all things engineering, including mechanical.

    I started with C++ at school. I really liked it, but when it was time for summer I taught myself C# and that’s how I got a job.

    I’m currently migrating the backend of our company from relational to non relational DB, and a lot of other goodies.

  • CynAq
    21 year ago

    What do you call someone who doesn’t call themselves a programmer in any capacity but has enough programming skills to make things work when he needs things working for non-programming-focused things like automation for material science experiments?

    I am that.

  • exohuman
    21 year ago

    I have been a professional software developer/engineer for since 2010. I have worked in a few different industries, in a variety of programming languages and have done work concentrating on both front end and back end.

    Right now, I am working for a large company and helping build their commercial web offering.

  • @TitanLaGrange
    11 year ago

    Professional. Started coding in 3rd grade, got more serious about it in high school (averaged a couple hours a day of coding personal projects) and eventually dropped out of high school and took an entry level job coding (you could still do that back in the early '90s).

    Decided to switch to C# about 15 years ago, and have mostly been doing back-end stuff (business layer for SQL databases mostly, serving data to offline desktop client applications), plus APIs for web applications and a little bit of web frontend work (Angular and React. I’m a really shitty web designer, and I keep telling people that, but nobody seems to care. I should really properly learn how CSS works at some point).

  • ChoccyMilk
    11 year ago

    Am sysadmin by trade. I started when my manager told me to add 1000 people to a group. This rapidly lead me to learning how to script and build tools for my team…

    Then my team leader asked if I could make the tools run from a web site but only using free stuff. So html, js and php followed. MySQL when I wanted to start logging capabilities. 10 years later and now running on Laravel here we are!

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Professional C developer (Firmware Engineer). Also do a lot of work with ASM, and some Python in there, too. I’ve always loved it, though, and sometimes do it for fun as well. Programming Arduinos in C++ and the like.

    I actually started later in high school at some summer camp doing C++ and fell in love from there. Since, I’ve learned C/C++, Java, Python, HTML/CSS, et cetera. But my favorite language remains C++!

  • QHC
    1 year ago

    I have been working as a web developer, now a manager and less of a coder, for over 20 years.

    Whenever I get the chance to tell this story, I always credit the game Command and Conquer: Red Alert for beginning my journey into coding and web development. This was long before auto matchmaking, so to play with other people you had to know their IP address in order to connect directly. To help with this, there was a chat app that came with the game called Westwood Online. While at first it was used for the intended purpose, I also met my first “Internet girlfriend” in those chat rooms, back when such a thing was confusing and scandalous to my parents. Eventually I joined a Star Wars RPG “guild”, and of course we needed a way to document to other guilds how amazing our imaginary spaceship collection was, so I volunteered to make a website. I wish I still had it, but just imagine a Geocites website with clunky frames and lots of pictures of different Star Destroyers or X-Wings.

    After that I was absolutely hooked. Video games moved to the background and most of my solo free time was spent on various coding projects. I was fortunate enough to be in the first wave of “webmasters”, starting with free hosting platforms like Geocities, Angelfire and Tripod. Anyone else remember web rings?? I don’t remember now how I found it, but my first “real” coding experience was after joining a forum called NeoPages. I had to write an application and be interviewed first, but eventually was given FTP access to my very own website, no ads or limitations! That’s really when my journey as a developer began. (I ended up being one of the primary administrators when I got older and the owner didn’t have time, now in retrospect I can see how that was a very important learning experience.)

    I started working at a local web design company in high school and continued working there part-time during the semester and full-time in the summers throughout college. I almost burned out from that due to an insanely manipulative and verbally abusive boss, but lucked into an even better job when I had a lunch with the former co-partner to the bad boss. I was really just looking for some advice as I got ready to graduate but I left that lunch with a job offer!

    Fast forward to the 2008 financial crisis and the small business he was running, of which I was employee #3 for after his sister, ends up falling apart. Most of our business came from a marketing agency that was literally down the street, so they snatched up me and another developer to maintain the dozen sites we had built for them in the last few years. That place was chaotic at first, but the leadership at the top was smart enough to invest in digital before many of our competitors, letting things grow and then knowing when to pull back and focus on the business side of the process, too. (Fun story, the very first meeting I was part of after moving to the agency, still on contract and not a FTE yet, the owner of the whole agency comes in and tells us the last project was 300% over budget. I can’t even imagine that happening now, at worst we would have realized something was wrong by the time we ended the first sprint!)

    I’ve now been at that agency for 14 years as of last week! I never thought I would stay in one place or enjoy being a manager, but I’ve come to love the mentoring side of my job more than the technical side. Now that I am nearing my 40s, it’s also nice to have a stable employer in a region that does not have many similar opportunities–most of our clients are out of state, so before the rise of remote working I would have had to moved away from my entire family to find an equivalent job (both in terms of the kind and quality of work we do and financially). I’m still learning new things all of the time, too, even if I am not necessarily the one writing code myself.