maybe i will post a few pics per day. yeah I wonder how we amp up the casualness and amount of people posting!

  • alloOPM
    16 months ago
    a different type of pic now generateable on beautiful-people. prompt is kittygirl and touched the FeyStory button

    In a deep, ancient swamp at the heart of a great forest, there lived a witch named Kittygirl. She was not an ordinary witch, for she was part fae, her bloodline tracing back to the first faeries to set foot on the world. Her eyes glowed with an ethereal light, and her hair flowed like liquid silver. She was as beautiful as she was mysterious, and the creatures of the swamp regarded her with a mixture of awe and fear.

    Kittygirl’s home was a small island in the middle of the swamp, surrounded by tall, twisted trees draped in tangles of vines. The air was thick with the scent of rotting vegetation and the cries of strange, otherworldly creatures. At the center of her island sat a great, towering oak tree, its branches twisting and gnarled like the veins of an ancient, powerful being. It was here that Kittygirl practiced her arcane arts and communed with the spirits of the swamp.

    One warm summer’s eve, a young fae named Lilyandra found herself lost in the depths of the forest. She had wandered far from her home, seeking adventure and purpose, and had become hopelessly turned around. As darkness fell, she stumbled upon the edge of the swamp, and fear gripped her heart as she heard the eerie whispers of the creatures that dwelt within.

    Just as she was about to turn back, a soft voice called out to her from the shadows. “Do not be afraid, child. I mean you no harm.” Kittygirl emerged from the gloom, her cat-like features illuminated by the moonlight. She gestured for Lilyandra to follow her to her island.

    As they crossed the murky waters, Lilyandra couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe and wonder. She had heard tales of Kittygirl’s powers, and the fae magic that flowed through her veins. The young fae couldn’t help but feel drawn to her, despite the danger that lurked in the swamp.

    Upon reaching the island, Kittygirl invited Lilyandra to share her meager meal. As they ate, they spoke of their lives and their people. Lilyandra told Kittygirl of her journey and her search for purpose, while Kittygirl shared stories of her past and the ancient fae magic that she had learned from her mother.

    As the night wore on, Lilyandra found herself growing more and more enchanted by Kittygirl. She knew that she should leave before it was too late, but she couldn’t bring herself to leave the safety of the witch’s island. Finally, as the first rays of dawn broke through the trees, Lilyandra mustered the courage to ask Kittygirl for her help.

    “I wish to learn the ways of the fae,” she said, her voice trembling with emotion. “I wish to be as powerful and as wise as you.”

    Kittygirl considered her words carefully before responding. “The path you seek is not an easy one,” she warned. “It requires great sacrifice and dedication. But if you are truly committed, then I will teach you what I can.”

    And so, Lilyandra became Kittygirl’s apprentice. For many years, she lived in the swamp, learning the secrets of fae magic and the ways of the forest. She studied under the watchful eye of her mentor, practicing her spells and honing her skills.

    Time passed, and Lilyandra grew into a beautiful and powerful fae witch in her own right. She remained close to Kittygirl, visiting her island whenever she could find the time. As the years went by, their bond deepened, and they became more than just teacher and apprentice. They became friends, sisters in magic and in heart.

  • alloOPM
    15 months ago

  • alloOPM
    15 months ago