• @nivenkos
      1 year ago

      They recently tried to censor the Loretta scene.

      This was actually a big factor for me in “leaving the ‘Left’” - i.e. remembering back when it was the religious establishment trying to censor the films (and succeeding in many countries). And now it’s happening all over again but by the new “woke” establishment and LGBTQIA2S+ movement.

      • @Laticauda
        521 year ago

        Hate to break it to you, but if complaints about one movie scene was all it took to get you to “leave” the left, then you were never really on the left to begin with.

        • @nivenkos
          -181 year ago

          It’s not just that though, but the general shift to identity politics - even in Britain you’ll see “leftist” groups doing things like silencing “white males” etc.

          And also in many cases their proposals focus too much on the symptoms and/or end up with worse consequences, which is exactly what Marx was against. Like decriminalising theft below 300 euros which is common in many places now, but just leads to organised gangs exploiting it (just like lesser / no sentencing for teenagers, etc.). Likewise for pushing for rent control which usually just results in great unfairness in who is lucky enough to get the rent controlled properties - and then pass them down in their family, so you end up with unlucky working people paying far more in rent than much wealthier lucky families and pensioners.

          I still usually vote for the centre-Left just due to being anti-religion and republican (anti-monarchy). But I wish there were more sensible economic and justice options too - like supporting the working class by shifting the tax burden to property owners and the wealthy (and taxing unproductive economic activity) over income and VAT, supporting the free market except for natural monopolies, etc.

          • @oryx
            151 year ago

            You know the focus on identy and LGBTQ+ and all that comes from the right, correct?

      • @cynar
        211 year ago

        Do you have any more info on that? I know a couple of trans people. They found that scene hilarious. It sounds like the sort of false flag complaint that come out of the far right quite often.

        Unlike the right, the left does not aim to be monolithic. There are a variety of views on many topics, and how to fix them. There are idiots across the spectrum though, and all groups need to police them, to some extent.

        I’m quite surprised it made you shift to the right. The right have been doing FAR more censorship, and that is backed by the leadership, to the point is being pushed into law.

          • @Laticauda
            1 year ago

            It doesn’t say anywhere in that article that leftists are trying to censor that scene, John just mentions other actors he knows personally who suggested that he cut it out of worry that it would be viewed as offensive. Not because people on the left actually called it offensive or called for it to be censored. So according to that article, nobody tried to censor it, just suggested that Cleese cut it, and their reasoning wasn’t because it’s offensive, but because they were worried that it might be considered offensive. It also mentions in that article how religious groups were the ones actually trying to censor the movie in the past. Cleese didn’t want to cut that scene, so he didn’t. It wasn’t at risk of being censored considering he’d never had any intention of cutting it and the choice was always his to make.

            • @madcaesar
              51 year ago

              This discussion actually made me think, so who pushed to get the dark elf scene removed from Community? I don’t know if it was the left or right, but whoever it was, is a moron.

              • @Laticauda
                1 year ago

                I don’t know about the reasoning behind that one specifically, but most leftists I know generally don’t have an issue with that scene because the butt of the joke is the guy inadvertently looking like he’s doing blackface, not black people. If I had to guess, in a lot of cases like those, it’s a corporate decision made by higher ups who don’t understand the nuance of the topic and just want to avoid controversy or try to shallowly virtue signal regardless of how offensive the scene actually was or whether the people they’re virtue signalling to actually wanted them to do it or not.

                • @FordBeeblebrox
                  41 year ago

                  Just some suit who works for the Mouse and has never heard of a Drow but definitely knows blackface and the controversy it causes. Ironically, probably in large part due to Walt’s prolific racism and the actual blackface scenes they’ve put out over the years.

      • @Klear
        91 year ago

        Who’s “they”?

  • @be_gt
    401 year ago

    Blazing saddles

    • SeanOPM
      51 year ago

      “Hey, I know you! You’re Kareem Abdul Jabar!”

    • Zerlyna
      51 year ago

      Joey, have you ever seen a grown man naked?

    • @owatnext
      41 year ago

      I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.


      I am serious… and don’t call me Shirley.

  • @Screwthehole
    1 year ago

    It’s not my favourite now, but there was a time in my youth, Ace Ventura is definitely on this list!

    • SeanOPM
      71 year ago

      I was more of a Dumb & Dumber guy, but ace is a classic.

      “Finkle is Einhorn? EINHORN IS FINKLE!”

    • @krashmo
      21 year ago

      What’s the issue with Ace Ventura? I don’t recall any poorly aged jokes or anything like that but it’s been a while since I’ve seen it.

        • @krashmo
          11 year ago

          Hmm. I remember a lot more gay jokes than trans jokes but I’m sure they were there too.

      • @Screwthehole
        151 year ago

        Oh man. Twenty guys puking because the woman is a man… For starters

        • @kryptonicus
          31 year ago

          To be fair, that scene was just as much an attempt to parody the scene from “The Crying Game”, as it was straight up transphobia. But regardless, it doesn’t sit right today.

    • Piecemakers
      11 year ago

      Frankly, they don’t hold up well. 😭

  • MrGerrit
    121 year ago

    Parody movies like scary movie or not another teen movie I really miss.

    A over the top parody of the superhero genre would be great right now or a new star wars/star trek/sci-fi parody.

  • @Fennario
    101 year ago

    It makes me feel old calling these older movies but male driven sex comedies like American Pie or Superbad seem to be extinct. The closest that comes out today are gender flip versions like Booksmart. I understand the need for a fresh take and the desire to avoid certain questionable aspects of the genre but it feels like there should still be a place for dude centric raunchy comedies.

  • LeberechtReinhold
    81 year ago

    Waterloo (1970). That many extras required the collaboration with the soviet army, as well as bulldozing a big area to film.

    We can see the difference very clearly with the new Napoleon trailer, which despite the huge budget looks outright poor in battles.

    • ME5SENGER_24
      01 year ago

      This. While it’s not my favorite movie all time, it’s definitely my favorite one that can never be remade!!

  • @delicious_justice
    71 year ago

    Team America. While I’m not offended by any of it, something tells me a lot of folks would be (and it wouldn’t even be over the puppet sex).

    It’s a fucking masterpiece!

    • @Umbraveil
      61 year ago

      I was born a poor black child 🫥

    • @madcaesar
      51 year ago

      That movie is actually surprisingly progressive if people got their head of their ass. It’s ok to make fun and laugh if the overarching message is positive. That’s the best kind of comedy

    • @FreezerBurn
      21 year ago

      “When I was a kid, my mom told me THAT was my special purpose”

    • Piecemakers
      21 year ago

      I like bringing this classic up whenever I come across a doe-eyed fan of the recent Hobbit movies. 🤣🤘🏼

    • SeanOPM
      21 year ago

      You just blew my mind. I have seen that one more than a few times, but haven’t thought about it in years.

      Wobert was so adorable in that.