From Birdspot:
Every now and again though a post pops up that gives everyone a good laugh and so it was when some wag posted the age-old question, “What was the barn owl called before barns were invented?“
Teat, Dave, Steve and plain old Owl were popular choices as were Homeless and Barnless. Some even claimed that barns were named after the owl, which makes perfect sense to us.
(It’s actually a pretty good article on the subject and worth the quick read!)
I hate to be the bearer of bad news OP but it’s actually barred owl…
Barn owls are in a different family than barred owls according to Wikipedia.
Tytonidae vs Strigidae
You mean Bard owl. Like Shakespowl.
Barred Owl’s are different
We had a family of Barred Owls near us growing up… They look a lot different than the Barn Owl in this picture.