i swear to fuck i consume literally every single food item within 3 parsecs of my location the second i touch weed

i already completed an entire family size bag of doritos and my last 2 cans of baja blast tonight and i still feel desperate to eat more shit


  • @[email protected]
    143 months ago

    Mostly with good genetics but also by not having such snacks in the house. You can’t eat what you don’t have.

  • @[email protected]
    103 months ago

    Healthy snacks often work really well for me. E.g. carrots or bell peppers with hummus. Drinking a lot. Flavored chewing gum. In general, I always try to be prepared for munchies so I’m never tempted to reach for some kind of junk food. Works pretty well most of the time.

  • @[email protected]M
    83 months ago

    This might get long and come across as preachy when I don’t mean it to. Always do what’s best for you, what fits your life, and what gets you the results you need. With that out of the way…

    I’m of the opinion that you shape your high, not the other way around. Whatever you smoke/vape/whatever may change your impulsiveness or desires but beneath it all you are still there and still in control. Munchies, lack of control, whatever negativity you may associate with weed is just a scapegoat for lack of self control.

    In the early days I used to struggle with the same things. Get high, sit around and do nothing, eat up whatever I felt like. It didn’t take long to realize that wasn’t what I needed, so I switched things up. I got in the habit of making some extremely potent Green Crack my opening session because it helped me get motivated to get up and exercise right after. I’d get up and do my workout, then go back for additional sessions. At some point I realized it wasn’t the strain or the timing that made me exercise or eat, it was my own mindset. I can do the same things with any strains at any time, it’s just the level of pain relief that varies.

    Sativa, indica, whatever doesn’t matter imo. There’s nothing in any of it to keep you from being yourself if you develop the mental discipline to be a productive person regardless of your level of high.

    But… People aren’t the same. What works for me may not work for you. Best of luck friend.

  • @[email protected]
    73 months ago

    Eat normally at regular intervals and be mindful so when weed heightens your senses you’re not highlighting hunger and overreact

    • @[email protected]OP
      53 months ago

      deadass i can eat a full dinner, feel great, smoke a joint after, and less than 30min later be back to being absolutely ravenous

      it’s like my stomach signals get turned off and my brain just wants to feel the tastebuds working

    • bruhbeans
      23 months ago

      This. I find, weed out no, sparkling water hits when I feel like I want food

  • @over_clox
    43 months ago

    Simple. Smoke so much you go to sleep.

  • 𝔼𝕘𝕠
    33 months ago

    Personally, I like to buy Freezie pops , the sugar curbs the cravings for me and it really helps with dry mouth, and you can eat like a million of them without a HUGE worry since the sugar in them isn’t too drastic.

    • @[email protected]OP
      13 months ago

      mmm i really should get some otter pops. i usually don’t get them if it’s not summer but i like this idea

  • @blahsay
    13 months ago

    Healthy snacks. Seaweed. Carrots. Bacon.

  • @[email protected]
    13 months ago

    Make junk food harder to consume. This doesn’t just mean buy less or no junk food (though I do recommend it) but also make them harder to access. While you do that, make healthy snacks (carrot sticks, celery, etc.) easy to get to.

    I’m pretty lazy when I am feeling the munchies. If you’re like me, weaponize your laziness against your gluttony.

  • ComradeSharkfucker
    13 months ago

    I do not have enough food in my house to get fat nor do i have enough money to constantly restock

    • @[email protected]OP
      3 months ago

      unfortunately (or fortunately) i am reasonably comfortable and have a lot of food…
      maybe i can share it with you so i have less to eat?

  • pezmaker
    13 months ago

    I don’t have a solution, just know that you’re not alone. I had to stop smoking late last year to stop the munchies so I could lose weight and drop my a1c out of diabetic category before I would’ve been diagnosed. I’d have eaten the fridge door when I was smoking if I hadn’t adequately prepared the fridge for those later raiding parties.