It appears API rate limiting has effectively killed these alternatives. You essentially get nothing but “Too many requests” 429 errors.

Lemmy sadly does not have the active niche news and discussions I want. But now nothing can be read without going to Reddit. I hate Spez

  • @[email protected]
    551 year ago

    I just started using rss for the communities I still want to know about.
    You only need to add the reddit name of the community and .rss at the end in your reader.
    For example

  • Rikudou_Sage
    271 year ago

    There’s that one Lemmy instance that has a bot that posts content scrapped from Reddit, I forgot the name though.

    • AnonymousLlama
      1 year ago

      I know some people don’t like these bots, but I’m keen on the cross posting. Bringing the idea to this platform and then people can discuss it. It’s mostly the discussions that have the best value anyway 🦙

      • lohrun
        211 year ago

        I think the idea of having crossposted content is ok since you can opt in or out of seeing it, just looked through the instance though and it seems like nobody is interacting with the content at all. For me, my favorite part of the posts on Reddit was reading through the conversations in the comments. Imo, if nobody is interacting with the content that is being crossposted we shouldn’t bother with continuing to copy it over

    • @derf82OP
      41 year ago

      It seems to mostly cover the big subs.

  • @Wisely
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • @derf82OP
      01 year ago

      Talking to myself about niche topics like bourbon, civil engineering, my local city and state, and what not is boring. There just isn’t the user base here to have active discussions on such narrow topics.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        So you expect others to create these spaces an will only join them when they have enough users? Hen? egg?

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        I know where you’re coming from. Give it some time. This whole thing sucks, but it’ll get sorted out eventually.

  • @[email protected]
    71 year ago

    But now nothing can be read without going to Reddit

    I’m here right now! Reading to my hearts content

  • macallik
    61 year ago

    Go to the settings, ping the instances, and add a handful with good ping.

    I cycle through 3-4 instances using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Alt + L is the default but you can change it via your brower’s extension settings) and usually find one that’s up and running.

    • @derf82OP
      41 year ago

      I usually just go to an instance itself. Sounds like you are using an extension?

  • tinwhiskers
    61 year ago

    Creating a new sub so I’m a moderator brought Boost back to life. Maybe that will help here?

  • DigitalTraveler42
    1 year ago

    See I thought that was the Lemmy instance for news, as it’s supposed to be a well moderated instance, am I incorrect in that assumption?

    Also it would be nice if Beehaw’s mods approved my account so that I could use that instance for those purposes. I’ve been trying to get an account created with them for almost a month now.

    I’m like you OP, my main focus on Reddit was staying up-to-date on the most current events and technology/science based posts, the sort I generally used on Reddit was “Top this Hour” because that seemed to be the most reliable and up-to-date hourly news as the news rolled in.

    Another thing that helped greatly was Reddit is Fun’s content filtering capabilities. Because who tf wants to read some bullshit from Fox News or other severely corrupted and biased news sources? The third party app for Lemmy that let’s me eliminate garbage sources from my feed is the one that wins me as a user, and I used RiF for as long as it’s been around, so they would be winning a loyal user.

    • MrScottyTay
      201 year ago

      Beehaw isn’t great to be a source for news since they defederated two of the largest (from what I can tell) instances.

    • @ribboo
      91 year ago

      Create an account at Great instance and federated with beehaw, so you can enjoy the content if you wish.

    • Admiral Patrick
      1 year ago

      See I thought that was the Lemmy instance for news, as it’s supposed to be a well moderated instance, am I incorrect in that assumption?

      I just started a US and World news community on my instance (had federation issues with Beehaw and a lot of stuff randomly didn’t come through in either direction, especially comments/replies). I contributed to the moderation policies they use for their news sub, and the community I put together has even tougher standards than that.

      If you’re interested, here’s a post I put together with the standards for posts and the moderation policies we use:

      Community link: /c/[email protected]

      I feel guilty plugging my own community, but if Beehaw isn’t an option (they really are well modded), then I hope for this to be the next best thing. I’ve found the other existing news communities to be somewhat lacking in proper moderation and source vetting.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    Im not sure I agree here, I host my own libreddit instance and I have no issues with rate limits. I would highly recommend going your own instance if you can

    • @derf82OP
      31 year ago

      I have checked multiple instances, and everyone has the same trouble. And I have no idea how to host my own instance.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        It’s probably an issue with the instances having too many users instead of libreddit being broken. It might be worth trying to find a smaller instance or trying to host your own. Hosting libreddit was my first step into hosting services using docker and it was surprisingly easy

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            I can’t test mine right now as it’s only accessible on the internal network and I’m not home. But it was working when I last used it a few days ago, I think it might be a combination of the the api changes and public instance being overloaded with too many requests and hitting the new api limits. When I can I will test my instance and let you know if it still works, If it does I would recommend that you do look into hosting your own as it will provide even more privacy than a public instance and will lesson the load on the public instances. Feel free to ask me any questions about hosting libreddit (or teddit) if you do decide to host it yourself!

    • @derf82OP
      11 year ago

      A few I’ve found. But your subscriptions don’t carry between instances, and it’s hard try and cycle through them on mobile. And even then after a few minutes they start failing.

    • @Cyyy
      1 year ago

      difficult till almost impossible. i recently started coding my own client for reddit (i wanted a way to still get nsfw content when thirdparty clients go dead), and reddit is fucking annoying as hell. everything you do… they smash issues towards you. every time shitty 429 errors (rate limiting) even if you are logged in. just using a useragent of a normal browser gets you ratelimited. so spoofing a normal browser don’t works. sending a bit too much requests (like the Stealth app who is basically a parser for reddits website) gets your device ip banned. if you then open reddit in browser, they smash a error in your face that basically says “fuck you, we think you are a bot. gtfo.”.

      bypassing this rate limiting is almost impossible even if you try to spoof a browser. i tried the last few days and just gave up because its too annoying and buggy. the whole system of reddit is so annoying as a developer to work with.

      it annoyed me so much, that i now think about making the app not for reddit but for lemmy. because reddit sucks. hard. fuck them.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        I was trying to be positive,but after reading their announcement on github not so much anymore. Thank you for explaining in deep way is not possible to find a workaround.

        • @Cyyy
          21 year ago

          the biggest issue is that they detect thirdparty clients coded as a website parser on their server and just block you. and bypassing this isn’t really working well because of the rate limiting.

          example: i just did send 3 requests where i first logged in, then asked for the recent posts of a sub… and already after this 2 requests i got rate limited by error 429 and couldn’t send any requests anymore.

          so even just requesting the recent posts in a sub is an issue (with spoofed browser useragent). if you use a “legit” useragent it works better, but reddit exactly knows you’re using a thirdparty client and can block or ban you whenever they feel like. so it’s not really a good solution because every minute reddit could hit the killswitch. just not worth the time to develope a app if it gets killed off then anyway.

            • @Cyyy
              1 year ago

              based on the knowledge, i would say nah. but maybe there is somewhere on the internet a genius who can somehow gets it to work stable enough… who knows.

              i just checked the announcement of libreddit and it seems they used the same json endpoints i did for my project, so they probably encountered the same issues i did. and if they didn’t found a good solution yet (even after working way more with the API and endpoints than me)… dunno.

  • P03 Locke
    21 year ago

    Well, Reddit is practically dead, too. Just give it another six months or so of bad decision making, and whenever that IPO is going to drop.

  • Opalium
    11 year ago

    There were some discussions among the teddit hosts about attempting to use scraping instead, but it’s not easy and requires a lot of changes to the code. Not to mention it’s going to quickly become a cat and mouse game if reddit makes changes to their site. It’s just not worth it at this point. Reddit doesn’t want us.