• @eran_morad
    5 months ago

    Lol, a republican doing something good for people. You gotta be mentally defective to vote r.

  • @[email protected]
    165 months ago

    This headline upset me enough that before my first cup of coffee I spent about 10 minutes trying to make clever ragey comments.

    Anyway it’s just fucking stupid. This kid’s views have very little to do with the economy and much to do with his own ignorance.

    And some is always a shitty number. I don’t understand how they can put that in a head line in good conscience. So what two young people think that Trump is the cure to their economic problems? 200?

    And what economic problems are they trying to cure? My own economic problems largely stem from student loans so. I don’t see Trump solving that shit for me.

  • mozz
    145 months ago

    Some young people think Trump was the one that wrote the Covid stimulus checks himself out of his own account

    I miss the days when news let people know what’s going on, instead of picking a narrative and finding some idiots who already believe it and reporting that idiots believe it without weighing in on whether it’s true

  • @wildcardology
    115 months ago

    How could they trust someone who bankrupted 3 casinos.

  • @[email protected]
    95 months ago

    Some young people, some old people, some medium people. What a stupid headline. You can find “some people” that think anything.

  • Whayle
    65 months ago

    Click bait, designed to rage engage, don’t fall for it

  • HubertManne
    35 months ago

    old people don’t have a monopoly on crazy or stupid regardless if its like the fox variant.

  • @mranikiOP
    35 months ago

    Reuters interviewed 20 people under the age of 30 to understand their support. The most common reason given for backing the former president was inflation and the perception the economy was not working for them, underscoring how the rise in prices for daily staples is more salient for some than high stock prices and low unemployment during the Biden years. […] At the same time, a majority said they agreed with Trump’s reticence about aiding Ukraine in its war with Russia, an isolationist stance at odds with Biden’s foreign policy agenda.

  • @jordanlundM
    25 months ago

    “He supports Trump’s pro-oil drilling stance”

    The US is producing more oil under Biden than we did under Trump:


    “his opposition to gun control”

    Trump has been notoriously anti-2nd Amendment:



    “and his pledge to crack down on illegal immigration.”

    Well, that’s true. Could it be the support is just racism?

  • @babypigeon
    25 months ago

    Some young people (and probably some others of varying ages) have no idea of how a previous administration’s policies and a global pandemic could have an effect on the current administration.

  • @[email protected]
    -55 months ago

    Both are bad. One party wants to tell you what to do. The other party wants to tell you what to do more. And there is no party that doesn’t want to tell you what to do. I just want people to stop fucking trying to tell me what to do. I can decide that for myself. Thank you very much. I don’t think he’d win because only the two-party system can win, but I would vote libertarian if I were going to vote at all, which I’m not going to because it’s fucking pointless. What I am going to do is take out loans with US dollars and put assets into other currencies like gold which will retain their value while the US dollar loses value and the loans get easier to pay. Like, take out a $5,000 personal loan and purchase gold with it. And your payment will be $100 per month. And you will have two ounces of gold. And the payments on the $100 debt will get easier to pay as inflation causes increases.