What’s your most effective MikroTik networking tip or trick that has saved you time or improved your network performance?

  • @njaard
    22 years ago

    In Wireless Interworking, set HESSID the same over all your APs for efficient client switching between APs.

  • @Juvyn00b
    22 years ago

    Definitely read up on how to create vlans properly for the switch/router you use. While you may get it to work without, each switch chip can have slightly different requirements and if done wrong, CPU has to do all the work (slower speeds). Been there done that have the tee shirt.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Learn the terminal commands/scripting.
    You can assemble them into an RCS file and execute them all as a oner.
    Makes it easy to add comments etc.
    Also, you can then maintain a “base config” file. You can upload it to a mikrotik, reset the devices config without applying the default config, and have it automatically run the script on reboot.
    This makes it super easy to track config and config changes.
    And if a device blows up, replace it and easily reload the config.

    I do want to get into the ansible since of mikrotik. It looks like it’s come a long way since I last checked it out.

  • @tsz
    -12 years ago

    Read the documentation.

    • @njaard
      22 years ago

      Is your comment not a little bit trite?

      Alternately, maybe you could offer some links to particularly valuable pieces of documentation?

      • @rayman30OPM
        12 years ago

        I was wondering how to respond to that one, but he is not wrong haha. With MikroTik there is a lot of learning as we all know.