Please don’t get me wrong, this is not meant to be rude slander. MX Linux is not a bad Distro at all (even tho I’ve always opted for Debian instead) and peops are free to use what suits them best.

But compared to other Distros (like Arch, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian or Mint) there doesn’t seem to be much excitement about it. I hardly see articles about MX and I have barely seen people outing themselves as MX users which makes me wonder:

Are MX users just low key quiet, am I escaping their presence or is there a different reason for MX’ high HPD score?

Btw: feel free to take a shot every time I write MX :p

  • @[email protected]M
    11 months ago


    The DistroWatch Page Hit Ranking statistics are a light-hearted way of measuring the popularity of Linux distributions and other free operating systems among the visitors of this website. They correlate neither to usage nor to quality and should not be used to measure the market share of distributions. They simply show the number of times a distribution page on DistroWatch was accessed each day, nothing more.

    So people see it on the list and click on it wondering “what the heck is this MX Linux thing”. And that boosts the ranking. And now that it’s at the top, it attracts more curious clicks, thus it continues to remain on top.

    • @[email protected]
      2911 months ago

      And now that it’s at the top, it attracts more curious clicks, thus it continues to remain on top.

      That’s exactly how I learned about MX and started using it.

    • @HarriPotero
      311 months ago

      I haven’t tried MX Linux. So they set the distrowatch page as start page in the browser, and users never change it?

      • @[email protected]
        1611 months ago

        No, people go on the distrowatch website, see mx linux at the top and wonder what it is because it seems to be popular but they’ve never heard of it, so they click on it, which boosts the ranking and makes it remain at the top. A website can’t change your browser’s start page.

    • ZyratoxxOP
      111 months ago

      Definitely, but still those hit per day numbers gotta come from somewhere. There is of course the possibility to mess around here but I don’t want to make accusations out of the blue when there may be that huge fanbase that’s just keeping it low >.<

  • @seaQueue
    7611 months ago

    Distro watch numbers have been a meme forever. If you want your favorite distro ranked higher make a robot to refresh its distro watch page and that distro’s rank will go up. That’s all distro watch has ever been.

    • ZyratoxxOP
      911 months ago


      1. AmogOS
      2. Hannah Montana Linux
      3. Uwuntu
      4. Nyarch
      5. MX Linux
  • ares35
    6811 months ago

    they count clicks on a distro’s page on their site, not usage or anything else.

    if they dared put hanna montana linux on there, it would be the perpetual #1 listing.

    • lattrommi
      1611 months ago

      now is my chance to brag that I’ve been running HML on a eee pc netbook that’s mounted on a wall in my bathroom, for about 4 years now, as a music player and in case of emergency internet searches when showering and it does its job wonderfully.

      • youmaynotknow
        11 months ago

        Hey, my wife wanted me to tell you that you’re not welcome in our house, because now I’m about to do the same in our bathroom (with another distro, of course) 🤣🤣🤣

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Hannah Montana Linux is no longer maintained unfortunately, so they wouldn’t put it on there anyway. You can upgrade it to the latest Ubuntu with some work, but you lose a lot of the theming in the process.

      Someone should make a new one as a “snap-free Ubuntu alternative”.

  • Deebster
    2111 months ago

    Distro watch rankings are just which page gets the most hits. Get a bunch of different IPs to load LemmyLinux and it’ll be number one (and then actual people will click on it to see what it is and why it’s number one).

    • ZyratoxxOP
      11 months ago

      I too had the thought that some people might mess around with the hpd numbers but I don’t want to make accusations without solid proof ^^

      • Deebster
        210 months ago

        Back in the naughties PCLinuxOS was at #1 and people suspected them of cheating. I’m sure some people do try to game it, but there’s plenty of organic and bot traffic to compete with.

        Besides, I think the popularity thing’s kinda backwards - I’d never visit Ubuntu or Fedora because I know what they are, but I’ll be clicking on something novel out of curiosity.

    • whoareu
      211 months ago

      Wait do we really have a distro called LemmyLinux??

      • Deebster
        110 months ago

        As far as I know I made it up, but I stand ready to be surprised!

  • @[email protected]
    2011 months ago

    Are MX users just low key quiet, am I escaping their presence or is there a different reason for MX’ high HPD score?

    That’s definitely a factor. People write and talk about new and exciting stuff, MX is neither. There’s no point in writing an article that goes: MX experience - same as a year ago because nothing changed, see ya again in a year.

    • oo1
      711 months ago

      i think xfce people in general don’t fuck around with all that distro gobshitery. it’s fast, works and isn’t fancy.

      gnome and kde people more likely to want to show off all the bullshit effects they’re wasting all that ram on.

      You wanna know what my ram has in it . . . data, glorious data.
      Albeit being inefficiently monged into terrible statistical models by some shitty code i wrote.

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        I especially like it because it’s trying to follow UNIX philosophy. All of its tools are separate and you can use them outside of Xfce or replace them altogether. For example KDE is still not at the point that you can launch the panel outside of it.

        gnome and kde people more likely to want to show off all the bullshit effects they’re wasting all that ram on.

        It’s not that much lighter than them though. KDE has gotten really close, and truly light DEs like LXDE and LXQT destroy Xfce on that front.

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          Agreed, LXQT is the shit if you want a slow machine to go faster and look decent while doing it.

    • ZyratoxxOP
      11 months ago

      Still more informative than every “Chrome Unboxed” article ever lol

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    I decided to fully convert to Linux on my living room PC because I was convinced these random display drops I was getting were being caused by Windows. (I was right.)

    I had a drive that I wanted to leave alone, because it had my videos and music and such. I wanted to try a new (to me) distro, so I just started using high rated ones I found on distro watch. The first two I tried (I honestly forget which) would NOT leave my video drive alone during installation (even with advanced options). The third one was MX, and it successfully installed while leaving my video drive alone. I liked that. I am used to xfce, and I like some of the custom little tweaks that MX adds to it, like easily making custom folder themes. I like that it can install .deb files and pretty much everything I’ve tried to run so far has worked.

    So, yeah, that’s why I like MX. I have since installed it on my laptop, my office PC, and my husband is dual booting it. It even runs his v-tube software, which blew us away. I know most of this isn’t unique to MX, but it just seems to work really well for us.

  • @tomjuggler
    611 months ago

    Might be a coincidence but MX Linux still supports 32bit x86 CPU’s.

    I recently installed MX Linux on an old Dell Inspiron 1300 which inexplicably still runs and it’s pretty snappy, considering.

    • ZyratoxxOP
      11 months ago

      Yeah, Mint too afaik with LMDE… 🤔

      But a funny correlation indeed

  • @woelkchen
    10 months ago

    MX fans could have set the MX Distrowatch page als browser home page and generate clicks semi-automatically.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Maybe MX attracts people who just want to use their computer easily. They are not interested in talking about their OS on the web.

  • boredsquirrel
    511 months ago

    No shit how? I actually used it because of damn distrowatch, it is solid but damn Debian based. Had to switch because the Nextcloud version was outdated and didnt work with an updated server.

    • @[email protected]
      411 months ago

      Had to switch because the Nextcloud version was outdated and didnt work with an updated server.

      And there was no flatpak, snap, or appimage?

      Half of my packages are from nix unstable. Stable base + bleeding edge userland.

      • boredsquirrel
        611 months ago

        Yes there was but I was literally installing a distro recommended on Distrowatch, so you can estimate my knowledge back then.

        • @[email protected]
          411 months ago

          I’m currently running MX because I went to DW and checked what’s popular. It wasn’t the only one I hopped through, but that’s how I first learned about it.

          Did you check out the MX package installer at any point? It’s got flatpak integration, but I’m wondering if it’s obvious for beginners.

          • boredsquirrel
            311 months ago

            I have no idea, I may have to give it another try.

            Currently experimenting with atomic CentOS though, and rpm-ostree always wins

    • ZyratoxxOP
      111 months ago

      I mean, if it is just the client app you could see if the Flatpak version works better. ^^

  • @ikidd
    410 months ago

    It’s being gamed. If there were 1% of linux users on MX, I’ll eat a bug.

  • @SidewaysHighways
    311 months ago

    Mxlinux was actually the first distro I installed, which was on my oldest functional laptop. Still running strong!

    • ZyratoxxOP
      211 months ago

      Oh nice! I remember my first one being Xubuntu but I have come a long way since then.

  • spacetff
    10 months ago

    Easy & quick install. I don’t recall the last time anything went wrong. Great performance with lots of useful tools developed by MX team. sysV by default - init freedom… you can boot systemd if desired and interesting… there’s an UNOFFICIAL init-diversity respin with 5 inits: sysVinit, systemd, runit, s6 & s6-66 selectable at boot menu:

    Been exclusively running MX with Openbox (OB) since early 2019 on my 6 home systems All run great without any issues.

    Also remotely support 3 senior, 70+ (one is 85) , users. In 2021, using ‘live’ DVD, switched them to MX from Linux Mint with their assistance to initially install/config SSH, then used SSH & VNC to finish MX install. Took about 45 minutes per system. These seniors are just users, not in any way computer nuts; email, web, simple games (Mahjong, solitaire, etc.) and occasionally LO Writer & 1 uses LO Calc for home budget. They all adapted to MX quickly over a couple of days. I rarely get any support calls and they faithfully do upates without prodding from me. The Calc user occasionaly calls for assistance with… well… Calc.

    I also run 3 MX VMs: 1 for banking, 1 for paying bills, 1 for managing investments, each is used specifically/exclusively for intended purpose. NO web browsing, games or installs, downloads only from sites relative to VM - account statements from bank on banking VM, etc.

    Discovered MX-18.1 in 2019 by chance while on a rare ‘excursion’ into distro hopping. Installed MX & OB in a VM (good ol’ Virtualbox) in about 20 minutes, including the time adding/editing my OB config from my daily driver at the time, CrowZ. After a few days, switched all my systems to MX and haven’t considered using any other distro since.

    I’ve tried many distros over 15 years. My favorite distro is #! (Crunchbang) which sadly is no longer available. When #! ended I switched to CrowZ, a Devuan spin using OB - obviously I prefer OB.

    So yes, I like and run MX exclusively although I would switch to #! if the ‘original’ #! project ever resurrects.

    Blue Skys, Green lights to all…

  • macniel
    311 months ago

    I never encountered MX. What is it’s usecase?

    • ZyratoxxOP
      111 months ago

      It’s a lightweight distro mainly for old or cheap hardware. It comes with a lot of tools pre-installed and is very conservative towards updates.