• @[email protected]
    1561 month ago

    I wish Biden would make the following announcement:

    It has come to my attention that Mr. Trump’s lawyers are currently attempting to convince the Supreme Court that it would be legal for me, the President of the United States, to have Mr. Trump killed. I imagine that this is a source of concern for Mr. Trump and so I want to reassure him and the American public that I believe doing so would, in fact, be a crime.

    • @Poayjay
      741 month ago

      Same statement except he should say that it would be legal for him to kill 6 Supreme Court justices.

    • @chiliedogg
      161 month ago

      “I’ll have Seal Team 6 waiting outside the Courtroom pending the outcome of the case. Choose wisely.”

    • @halcyoncmdr
      151 month ago

      Why just use one SEAL team? Much quicker if you use them all.

      • @[email protected]
        1 month ago

        Why use a team at all? As commander in chief doesn’t Biden get touch any gun he wants?

        He could just set up an XM250 and blast all the Justices he doesn’t like as they leave court.

        Mr. Biden, how did you restore legitimacy to the courts? Well I just started blasting…

        • @AngryCommieKender
          1 month ago

          Dick Cheney has entered the chat, as an example of why elderly people might not be the best people to be pulling the trigger.

      • @[email protected]
        101 month ago

        SEAL team 6 is not an actual SEAL team, they are a special counterterrorist group instead of naval special forces. Their name was to confuse the Soviets in 1980.

        • @jordanlund
          71 month ago

          Implies the existence of at least 5 other SEAL teams. ;)

          Or the old X-Men quote:

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        Hey now, this court case is about the presidential ability to assassinate rivals, not the presidential ability to use the armed forces against American citizens on American soil. We would need the national guard for that.

  • @expatriado
    581 month ago

    they wished the US was a bit more like Russia don’t they?

    • @[email protected]
      241 month ago

      Even Putin has to use methods more subtle than sending a strike team after his political opponents. Nowadays there are a handful of monarchs that have full legal immunity on paper but I don’t think any of them wants to highlight that they could just outright murder someone with impunity. Trump’s team picking this example as a consequence of their deranged legal theory sounds completely bonkers to me.

      • @[email protected]
        91 month ago

        Eh, Putin does send the GRU after political enemies. I don’t think Prigozhin was killed by harshly worded letters, and the London sightseeing brigade was also not just some random guys.

        • @[email protected]
          71 month ago

          He made one look like an accident and tried to blame Czechia for the other. It’s a bit different than claiming publicly that he has the right to kill everyone he wants.

      • @ZILtoid1991
        41 month ago

        The end goal of the right is to do away with all the subtlety they have to do now, so the general population will just follow all their commands without any talkbacks, like “a good chiild does it to the words of their parents”. (Viktor Orbán allegedly said that the average voter is on the mentality of a 12 year old child.)

        • @[email protected]
          41 month ago

          With the Hungarian education system, I think he was doing the average voter favours there. Wonder why it’s becoming more and more underfunded.

      • [email protected]
        31 month ago

        lol yea, even in Russia the headlines are always “person falls mysteriously out of window” and not “Putin stabs opponent in face with knife, lets out evil laugh”

  • Lord Wiggle
    541 month ago

    So let me get his straight. Trumps lawyers are trying to legalize Biden killing Trump? So even his own lawyers prefer him to die instead of becoming president again.

    • @Revonult
      1 month ago

      Trump’s lawyers are trying to delay his other trials. Create BS arguments that require a ruling before his other trials can proceed, elevate it to Supreme Court, run out the clock, hope he gets elected before other cases find him guilty.

      Edit: Spelling

      • @UnderpantsWeevil
        -81 month ago

        Once the election is over, there’s no real incentive to pursue these cases, either. Good chance they all get dropped even if he loses.

        • @RagingRobot
          51 month ago

          That’s not how this works. They will keep going because he committed real crimes

    • @IphtashuFitz
      111 month ago

      I saw a post elsewhere about this suggesting that Biden send SEAL teams to camp out on the steps of the courthouse where Trump is on trial in NYC, the steps of the Supreme Court, etc. Don’t give them any orders beyond them being stationed there.

      If SCOTUS says it’s ok then Biden just orders the SEALs to immediately take out Trump, the SCOTUS justices (well, we know which ones, specifically). Etc.

      • @UnderpantsWeevil
        31 month ago

        It would be red meat for conservatives, to be sure. But also, consider the politics of your average Navy Seal…

        An army of Dan Crenshaws

        • @AngryCommieKender
          51 month ago

          The Navy in particular tends to lean left. Not all of them obviously, but I knew some pretty left leaning SEALs when I was a Nuke.

          • @UnderpantsWeevil
            81 month ago

            Left relative to other military branches. But when you stack that up against the Fundie Death Cult that is the Air Force and the Hillbilly Hoosegow that is the Marines, that’s a low bar.

    • @ours
      21 month ago

      It would be a mistake to turn this con man into a martyr. There are already enough baffling conspiracies with him as the main character.

      • Aniki 🌱🌿
        171 month ago

        Don’t assign logic to a position that doesn’t have any. Trump could shit his insides out on live TV and die live on air and the crayon eating retards would still turn him into a martyr. This talking point needs to die.

  • UnfortunateShort
    341 month ago

    Can’t someone just take one for the team and assassinate him? Like, I think he deserves worse than a quick or even a slow death, but at this point it seems like a totally acceptable option.

    • The Snark Urge
      421 month ago

      Long term thinking does not lead me to recommend martyrdom for Trump. He has earned more than enough of my enmity for it to feel right, but it’s more important to destroy his movement at this point. The Union has to stop “losing the peace” to finally put this festering insurgency to rest.

        • Flying Squid
          121 month ago

          When he dies, many of them will refuse to believe it. Some of them believe JFK is still alive. Not JFK Jr., JFK.

      • @suction
        21 month ago

        I think the idea is that when their leader is gone, they’ll scurry back to their sewers. Which is likely given they’re weak as f…k

        • aiccount
          -11 month ago

          It is hilarious to see you try to take the moral high ground on anyone. You can not begin to grasp what moral behavior is.

    • @[email protected]
      1 month ago

      I want to watch him rot in prison.

      I want him to watch them take his name off the tower.

      I want him to watch Maralago go up for auction.

      I want his assets to be sold for a fraction of their worth.

      But I guess it’s not about what I want and what justice can afford

    • @[email protected]
      61 month ago

      He’s scum but let’s not make him a martyr for his cult. It’s better to convict him and imprison him. He’s so old and he’s facing so many indictments, he’ll likely die in prison. But let’s also change the legislation for Secret Service protection so that our good Secret Service do not have to be in jail too. Taxpayer money shouldn’t be spent protecting a former prez that couldn’t fulfill their oath of office to uphold the law.

      • @[email protected]
        51 month ago

        But let’s also change the legislation for Secret Service protection so that our good Secret Service do not have to be in jail too.

        This type of statement always makes it sound like they would be sitting in the cell with him.

        Which is, of course, ridiculous.

        If Trump actually faces prison time, it’ll most likely be in a separate facility where he can be kept separate from other inmates. And the secret service detail would become essentially jail guards. Probably a much smaller group as well, as thwy wouldn’t need to protect him in such a variety of locations and situations.

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          Secret Service agents should not be jail guards in a jail. Jail sucks on either side of the bars. Secret Service agents should be protecting former Presidents that kept their oath of office, not traitors.

    • @[email protected]
      41 month ago

      that’s your opinion, just like i also have an opinion that my landlord deserved a painful death. What should i do? Fucking kill him?

    • @paddirn
      101 month ago

      I mean, I hate the precedent it would set, but I feel like this situation almost calls for it, if only for the poetic justice of it all.

      • Jimmybander
        161 month ago

        It would cost us everything, but for a brief moment be ultimately satisfying.

    • @sibannac
      31 month ago

      Do we really want Trump to be a martyr? We will end up with him being deified by his followers who already want to believe he’s the second coming.

    • Flying Squid
      71 month ago

      There’s no question that he has an enemies list.

  • @jordanlund
    181 month ago

    Would make the debates a lot more interesting.

    Biden: “Your lawyers successfully argued before the Supreme Court, that a President has immunity even from assassinating rivals.” (places gun on podium) “Let’s have a serious talk about that.”

  • @Red_October
    161 month ago

    It’s a brave stance to take for the lawyer of the president’s political rival, but I can think of worse ways to get rid of a particularly problematic client.

  • chalk46
    101 month ago

    so either Trump winds up dead or in prison, win/win