Yeah, three steps forward one step back with the screwed up, greedy ass gaming industry.

  • dinckel
    4311 months ago

    Good that it’s reversed, but the mood is already set. They practically said that they consider everyone who’s been supporting them for the past 7 years a cash cow, and expect them to pay up more, regardless of how much they already paid

    • @inclementimmigrantOP
      2311 months ago

      Yeah, just another publisher/dev that’s trying to see how far they can push gamers and then take that little step back and go “See this isn’t so bad in comparison!”.

      Just slowly boiling the gamers in the cauldron.

      • dinckel
        511 months ago

        Pretty much. Sadly that’s just how things work today. You either do things right, at a cost, or you become the villain

        • @[email protected]
          411 months ago

          I’m hopeful. I want to believe what happened to Suicide Squad is an indication that consumers/gamers are less willing to put up with this shit than a few (a couple?) years ago.

          • dinckel
            211 months ago

            Who knows. We’ve had games flop the exact same way many times before, and they’ve learned nothing from it

  • El Barto
    11 months ago

    I understand that the article is published in a gaming magazine, and that this is a gaming community, but damn… could they not explain what PvE is, or at least spell it out?

    For those like me, PvE means “Player versus Environment” (when in a multi-player game there are challenges that are controlled by the computer and not other players.)

    Edit: Downvoted by non-welcoming people.

      • El Barto
        -511 months ago

        What do you mean? That’s exactly what I said. PvE means Player vs Environment. Unless I misunderstood your question.

          • El Barto
            -511 months ago

            I see what you’re saying.

            Before reading the article, I had no idea what PvE meant. I’m not a regular gamer. So, I looked it up and posted the explanation in my previous comment for the people who didn’t know either, just like me.

            • @dezmd
              311 months ago

              It’s a very common concept among gaming, and your complaint is because it wasnt defined in an article on a site catering specifically to gamers?


              • El Barto
                -811 months ago

                You’re essentially repeating what I just stated. So what it’s a common concept among experienced gamers. Is this an exclusive community? If you asked me what HTTP meant, I’ll answer you. I won’t be saying “It’s such a common term. What.”

                • @dezmd
                  11 months ago

                  If you know what HTTP means but not PvE, that’s a you problem then. HTTP is a common term among tech circles, and if I read it on tomshardware or even on slashdot 25 years ago and didn’t know for sure what it meant, I wouldn’t feel compelled to hop on a discussion board to complain about them not defining a common term on a site that caters to tech circles that are familiar with it.

                  In 2024 we are literally a ‘highlight the text and right click’ away from figuring out what something means.

                  My point is that your complaint is redundant. And now even has me commenting in a redundant and needless manner.

                  Maybe a less derisive version of your comment without all the superfluous externalities would be “I wasn’t sure what PvE was, and just for anyone like me that wasn’t sure, it means Player versus Environment, which is just another way of saying playing against the computer.”

                  Perhaps the problem was the implied tonality of your initial post. Your edit on the top level comment claiming downvotes are from unwelcoming people is entirely off the mark and as equally adversarial as the original comment’s flavor.


    • @inclementimmigrantOP
      11 months ago

      You’re being downvoted because you’re literally complaining about a extremely common gaming term, that you’ve defined yourself btw, being used in a gaming website posted in a gaming community. It makes you seem like you’re complaining just to complain, which is trollish behavior.

      This isn’t a powerpoint presentation going out to a group of people unfamiliar with the topic at hand so it’s not reasonable to have them spell out the first instance of the acronym, annoying their target audience.

      Next time, assuming you’re being actually sincere and not a troll, just ask “Hey what does acronym “ABC” stand for” instead of just going and complain right off the bat. You know the old adage about honey, vinegar and flies.

      • El Barto
        -511 months ago

        Are you the author of the article? Jesus, for a community about games, you know, stuff that does not matter in real life, you people take things waaaaay too seriously.

        • @inclementimmigrantOP
          11 months ago

          I was tying to be nice and point out why you could have been downvoted but nope you’ve got to be an ass still so onto the blocked list you go.

          Nice talking to you.

          • El Barto
            11 months ago

            Lol mad because of some comment about a game term. Alrighty.

            The commenter won’t see this, but for the rest, don’t be like him. Games are just games. Pay no attention to people who are so serious about them.

            Imagine playing rock, paper, scissors and getting mad because you ask what the “V” shape you make with your hand is.

            Edit: downvoted by the same people who rage quit.

            • @Lobreeze
              211 months ago

              Man you really don’t care about those downvotes. So much so you can’t stop mentioning it.

              • El Barto
                -211 months ago

                Eh… I write what I want. You think what you want too. All is well.

    • @Lobreeze
      111 months ago

      I down voted you for complaining about being down voted.

      • El Barto
        -711 months ago

        Yah, I don’t care.

        • @Lobreeze
          411 months ago

          I feel like you do care. Hence why you said it in the first place.

          • El Barto
            11 months ago

            Nah, I don’t care that you downvoted me. You’re entitled to your own actions.