So in the past, people were sort of pushed into mariage and to have kids. And this went on for centuries actually. This caused that even if you didn’t want to have kids, you had some. Humanity drag those people’s genes even if they didn’t want to. But now, with more free world, we sort of get rid of those people, the only ones who copulate will be the people who want to. And in the next generation we can expect more people who want to copulate and so on and so on. Good

  • Boozilla
    149 months ago

    Decreasing the coercion factor is a massive win.

    Plenty of dumbshits with no business reproducing will continue to do so, unfortunately.

  • @[email protected]
    139 months ago

    Theres a small problem with this: Fewer young workers to care for all the childless old people.

    Or so they say… I don’t know, sounds like a problem we would have to deal with eventually anyway as earth population growth slows and average life span grows. Doesn’t help that healthcare workers are underpaid and medicine is overpriced, I’m sure.

    • Björn Tantau
      119 months ago

      This isn’t a problem for the future, this is already happening right now. At least in Germany. Elder care is atrocious. Old people who didn’t buy a house or similar are piss poor. And it’s getting worse.

      As far as I know this is the worst in developed nations as rich people tend to have less children.

  • @cosmicrookie
    89 months ago

    So… people who want to breed are better and more worthy that people who were forced to breed? And besides that why is breeding in itself good?

    • @[email protected]
      -49 months ago

      The ones who actually want kids are more likely to be good parents and pay attention to good education, in turn creating a productive member of society.

      I guess that’s the theory, at least. Can’t generalize it of course, plenty of kids with absentee parent or coming from a loveless household who still managed to excel and “good” kids who ended up on the bottom rung, but statistically speaking, having an intact family is integral to success.

      I don’t think the OP mentioned anything about breeding in general though. I’d rather see our planet depopulated rapidly, though that’s a hard sell. Most people actually seem to want kids, for some reason.

  • @Mediocre_Bard
    69 months ago

    From the downvotes, is this a popular opinion?

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      I can speak for myself only, but this barely passes as a showerthought™. The only thing that indicates it resembles an opinion is the word “Good” at the end of the post and even then there is no real substance to it so it’s just a poor quality post that I don’t wish to see in this community.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      Nobody ever knows. I personally upvoted because I agree that less social pressure to follow norms is good, and i didn’t know I was in the unpopular opinion sub.

  • @[email protected]
    29 months ago

    There’s an opportunity for some jokes about OPs mum but I’m gonna take the high road and leave them unsaid.