I like seeing what other people have done to get reprimanded. It’s kind of funny to me, and I love the transparency.

So glad this platform isn’t built around obscuring as much as possible from users to drive up ‘engagement.’ Just goes to show, we get better products when people aren’t maximizing profit.

  • @CMahaff
    451 year ago

    I feel like BestOfModLog could be a very funny community.

    • @BeMoreCareful
      121 year ago

      This is a pretty good idea.

      Like I see how it’d be funny, but it sounds like too much effort for me to put in.

      This idea gets better the more I think about it.

  • @Laticauda
    221 year ago

    You’re right, it is an entertaining read lmao

  • Action [email protected]
    191 year ago

    The forum Something Awful has had public ban notices for age, with a page listing banned or suspended users, the post they were banned for and usually a snarky joke from one of the mods. It actually ends up creating a fun atmosphere where people can get essentially “Go touch grass” moments that everyone can giggle about when it’s not that bad and it’s always hilarious watching some cesspit of a human being get absolutely fucking dumpstered in very public fashion.

    That said, I don’t think it would work nearly as well without their registration fee creating a barrier to entry.

    • @dudebroOP
      71 year ago

      Ew… a registration fee lol.

      • Action [email protected]
        61 year ago

        Hey, they’ve been running successfully since 1999. Hard to knock that sort of longevity and relevance since they’re still getting mentioned here 23 years later.

  • 󠁀@󠁀FUCKER
    91 year ago

    I find it interesting to read the various posts and actions that I would’ve never seen if I haven’t been watching the modlogs. It truly shows how big the fediverse has gotten.

    • @dudebroOP
      21 year ago

      Ahh, thank you for sharing this.

      And I had no idea you could link instances like that.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    Silly question possibly but how do you see the mod log? Might be because of the app im using but I don’t know where to find it.

    • @dudebroOP
      51 year ago

      I’m not sure on an app, but in the browser it’s in the ‘footer’ (at the bottom of the page.)

  • Koordinator O
    41 year ago

    what would interest me is, is there an addon or something that restores the deleted comment in the posts? Like it was not deleted with an asterisk as symbol for originally deleted posts?

  • @orphiebaby
    -11 year ago

    Upvote for yes, downvote for no.