Just putting this up to contrast with this post and because Eli Valley is a great political cartoonist.

  • @Ekybio
    431 month ago

    Just a reminder…

      • @morphballganon
        141 month ago

        Tell me you live under a rock without telling me you live under a rock.

    • @PugJesus
      -81 month ago

      Don’t worry, that’s what the fascist simps want. But they’re totally Leftists, don’t worry; enabling fascism is just good praxis. /s

        • @Donkter
          101 month ago

          Yes, you’re right. When given a binary choice it’s always worse to choose the side that will bring more fascism. I’m glad you recognized that at one point. Hopefully you can come back around to it.

            • @Donkter
              101 month ago

              Out of the three choices available to me it’s brought the least fascism one can muster through the voting process. Not voting is a way to bring about marginally more fascism (I especially hope you are voting locally right?) There are 3 years and 364 other days to do political action. Please use those. I don’t see voting as anything but an awful way to choose the lesser of two evils and as a miniscule but necessary part of mine and your capacity for political action.

                • @Donkter
                  31 month ago

                  I wholeheartedly encourage you to spend your time advocating for socialism and trying to revive the movement, hell, I’ve spent time canvasing for local socialist candidates. You know what that didn’t stop me from doing? Spending 20 minutes walking to my polling place once every 4 years to vote for the least fascist out of 2 shitty candidates.

            • norbert
              1 month ago

              I love when PEOPLE on lemmy act like THEY tried to warn everyone so THEY’RE not responsible. How many election cycles have you participated in? You haven’t done shit and will continue not doing shit, congratulations.

        • @Eldritch
          01 month ago

          And they have just as hypocritically told you similar things. And neither of you have learned you’re both horrible.

    • @[email protected]
      -81 month ago

      Just a reminder: voting for the lesser of two evils has not ever resulted in the Democratic party stopping their march to the extreme right right alongside the GOP, to the point now that in order to vote for the Democratic nominee one must accept that their vote goes to supporting a genocide.

      • @PugJesus
        211 month ago

        Just a reminder: voting for the lesser of two evils has not ever resulted in the Democratic party stopping their march to the extreme right right alongside the GOP, to the point now that in order to vote for the Democratic nominee one must accept that their vote goes to supporting a genocide.

        “Their march to the extreme far right”

        Tell me you don’t know history, or remember even 10 years ago, without telling me you don’t know history or remember 10 years ago.

          • @PugJesus
            71 month ago

            Please compare the Democratic Party in 2024 to the following periods of the Democratic Party:








            Then, subsequently, trace their ‘march to the extreme far right’.

            • @Eldritch
              51 month ago

              Yes there was a massive Lurch right in the 90s. Since then the Democrats have waffled extremely hard. Flirting with moving back left slightly but often retracting back to their '90s positions. But there have been a few solid moves to the left in the last 20 years. Nowhere near enough of course. But some is always better than none.

        • @[email protected]
          -21 month ago

          Ten years, why not twenty? I wonder how Biden voted on the Iraq war and invasion of Afghanistan?

          How long have we been voting for the technically less evil for now? And where are we at this exact moment? How many times were we all promised “Just vote fascist lite onnnnne more time and next election cycle will be better.”?

          • @PugJesus
            71 month ago

            Sure, why not twenty. Please compare the state of the Democratic Party in 2004 to today, and tell me which is more right-wing.

            • @[email protected]
              -51 month ago

              Well, how right-wing is genocide compared to starting an unjustfied war?

              Do you actually think that somehow you’re going to convince people that we are both on the precipice of fascism but also the Democrats have gotten better at resisting fascism?

            • @[email protected]
              1 month ago

              No one had to tell me it, it is self-evident. He’s the representative you choose and he’s going to absolutely 100% take your vote for him as vindication that supporting genocide is politically viable, which means Dems will keep fielding zionists and taking AIPAC money.

              That’s the consequences of your choice. You need to accept that, not try to pretend you still get to have sone kind of moral high ground.

              • Frog-Brawler
                1 month ago

                Well, I don’t support either one of them but it’s very clear that Trump is the worse of the two options in the two party system. I did not choose him. I really think it’s moronic for randos on the internet to try to tell me what I support. It’s not a moral issue for me, it’s a logical one.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 month ago

                  Voting for Biden is supporting him, yes. Sitting here arguing that people should vote for him is supporting him. You are a Biden supporter.

                  Tell me, logically, what would convince democrats to stop supporting genocide?

          • @morphballganon
            51 month ago

            A person who doesn’t vote is more to blame than a person who votes for the less insane candidate. That’s logic 101.

          • capital
            11 month ago

            That’s why I only ever write in my own name. It’s the only way to be sure my vote perfectly aligns with my morals.

  • Afghaniscran
    241 month ago

    I’m not even American but didn’t the republicans do the exact same thing with “America under biden” using pictures of America under Trump.

    • @[email protected]OP
      -201 month ago

      I’m not sure exactly what you mean, but both sides have their defenders and haters making pictures, toons, caricatures etc like this of their opponent, they always have. But it so happens that this particular artist doesn’t like Trump or Biden (same as me).

  • @dwalin
    241 month ago

    “i am trump and i aprove of this message”

    You want to have genocide And fascism? Because this is how you get genocide and fascism.

    • @[email protected]
      -141 month ago

      huh weird it’s almost as if Biden is president and there is genocide and fascism happening right now, so weird

      • @dwalin
        151 month ago

        Its weird its almost as if your statements are unburdened by reality

        • @[email protected]
          -81 month ago

          oh so there isn’t a genocide? the United States doesn’t have one of the most proportionally incarcerated populations in the world? our police didn’t drive a tank to a college campus?

          • @[email protected]
            1 month ago

            So here is a Trump quote about from a few days ago about Israels war on Hamas:

            They’re losing the PR war. They’re losing it big. But they’ve got to finish what they started, and they’ve got to finish it fast, and we have to get on with life.

            So he actually wants Israel to speed up it’s military operation and win.

            As you can see, the US foreign policy position on Israel has absolutly nothing to do with with party or president. In fact, Trump is arguably more pro-Israel. He was also the one that moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, which was a big diplomatic “fuck you” for Palestinians.

            the United States doesn’t have one of the most proportionally incarcerated populations in the world? our police didn’t drive a tank to a college campus?

            Both of these have been true for decades and have nothing to do with Biden, just stupid whataboutism.

          • @dwalin
            51 month ago

            See my history for details. It isnt fascism.

  • @OccamsTeapot
    151 month ago

    Trump is worse, of course, but you are getting mainly downvotes because this is basically true and there is no counterargument that doesn’t depend on the fact that American politics is broken. The comic isn’t totally right (e.g. project 2025 is not Biden’s plan) but it’s too close for comfort for some people.

    Think about the response if Trump was funding a genocide and protesters were being arrested, silenced and vilified under his watch. Every single comment section would be flooded with people explaining how this is a key pillar of fascism.

    But it’s all fine and people should grin and bear it because the bar is so fucking low you’re more likely to stub your toe on it than fail to clear it.

    • Frog-Brawler
      121 month ago

      Who said all is fine and people should grin and bear it? Last I checked, there were several protests happening at universities across the country.

      One thing that I can mention as my experience… as a 40 year old, I was the youngest person at the local Democratic Party meeting last time there was one…

      I wasn’t there in support of what’s going on, I was there to attempt to influence the party. I’ve been trying to convince them that the way to gain more votes is actually shifting further left.

      My takeaways from that experience…

      1.) People in their 20’s should be showing up to the meetings and shifting the party left, but they’re not.
      2.) The party is only going to listen to people that do show up… which seems like the average age was probably 65.

        • Frog-Brawler
          41 month ago

          They don’t seem to be incredibly active in my area unfortunately, otherwise, I’d be there 100%. Their closest chapter is in Orlando, and that’s about an hour south of me, they’re not in my district whatsoever. Once I move to CO, I’m hoping to sync up with DSA.

          I signed up with the SRA a while back and that was $35 wasted. Their closest chapter was in Jacksonville. They never reached out to me beyond sending me a link to discord (which I don’t use). When I wrote an email asking for info, I was ignored.

          Gotta get out of FL, but we all know that…

          • @[email protected]
            -31 month ago

            An hour isn’t too bad, my closest chapter is about an hour from me, too. They have zoom meetings and share actions on social media.

  • The Snark Urge
    111 month ago

    Organise a general strike to demand sweeping reforms.

    Voting strategically is the bare minimum for when things are basically fine. They’re not. We have to do more.

  • GladiusB
    61 month ago

    A) It doesn’t look like him and it took me way too long to figure it out.

    B) You’re a shitty artist. Maybe take up piano.

    C) It doesn’t make any fuckin sense and won’t sway me in any way other than not listening to you.

    • @[email protected]
      -11 month ago

      The big text bubble that says “vote for me” didn’t clue you in to the caricature 's identity?? Like, not at all??

      • GladiusB
        21 month ago

        It’s a shitty drawing. No. It could be Trump or RFK. Maybe expect more out of art and less sucking the artists dick.

          • GladiusB
            01 month ago

            Sick burn! I mean blowjobs can be hetro too!

            • OBJECTION!
              229 days ago

              You sure showed them! They thought you were being homophobic, when in fact, you were being sexist! Owned!

              • GladiusB
                -129 days ago

                Oh yea! Because it was supposed to be taken literally. You sure outsmarted me.

    • @morphballganon
      51 month ago

      Republican influencers know if they told the truth, they’d lose, so they lie. Cartoon depictions are no exception.

  • @PugJesus
    51 month ago

    Sure, you don’t have to do it if you don’t mind fascism and not getting to vote ever again.

    As for everyone who ISN’T a fascism enabler, though? Bit of a moral imperative.

    • @OccamsTeapot
      111 month ago

      Pretty fucking depressing that the anti fascism vote is also the keep supporting genocide vote. It’s a trolley problem but one track only has foreigners tied to it so we’re supposed to cheer for that option I guess

      • @PugJesus
        51 month ago

        One track has Palestinians tied to it, the other track has more Palestinians tied to it, Ukrainians and probably others tied to it, AND American minorities by the bushel.

        If you’re looking for a point in history when there wasn’t someone getting hit by the trolley, you’ll be looking a while. We have to find the choice that is most achievable and least damaging.

        • @OccamsTeapot
          51 month ago

          One track has Palestinians tied to it, the other track has more Palestinians tied to it, Ukrainians and probably others tied to it, AND American minorities by the bushel.

          Yeah wooooo go Biden so proud 🤣 vote democrat, we will probably be responsible for less death and suffering. New slogan right there. “SLIGHTLY! LESS! DEATH!”

          It’s a complicated situation though golly who knows how to fix this problem

          We have to find the choice that is most achievable and least damaging.

          The smart people know that. Only problem is that not all of the people are smart and they all have the same voting power

          • @PugJesus
            51 month ago

            vote democrat, we will probably be responsible for less death and suffering. New slogan right there. “SLIGHTLY! LESS! DEATH!”

            That’s the slogan for every positive action throughout human history. We don’t have the luxury of choices which hurt no one on the societal scale.

            • @OccamsTeapot
              51 month ago

              I’m not saying it’s a bad decision given the situation. I’m saying the situation is dog shit and perhaps will come back to bite us in the ass when “slightly less death!” isn’t the biggest motivation to get out and vote.

              I would be more sympathetic to your point if Biden couldn’t stop supporting this immediately with relative ease. Most voters are against what Israel is doing and especially democrats. It’s not like it would hurt his election chances. It’s not like the protests this has inspired are a good look anyway.

              • @PugJesus
                41 month ago

                Most voters are against what Israel is doing and especially democrats. It’s not like it would hurt his election chances.

                That’s literally not true though.


                Americans Divided Over U.S. Support for Israel and the Palestinians Do you think the United States supports [Israel/the Palestinians] too much, about the right amount or too little? % Too much% Right amount% Too little% No opinion U.S. support for Israel U.S. adults 36 38 24 Republicans 26 37 37 Independents 40 36 22 Democrats 40 43 15

                Most Americans, including most Democrats, think that the current level of support for Israel is either correct or too little.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          01 month ago

          If you’re looking for a point in history when there wasn’t someone getting hit by the trolley, you’ll be looking a while.

          “It’s the way we’ve always done it” isn’t a justification for continuing.

          • @PugJesus
            11 month ago

            Feel free to get back to me when you develop your magic “Everyone wins and no one is hurt” formula for actions on a societal scale.

            • @Ensign_Crab
              01 month ago

              It doesn’t have to be “everyone wins and no one gets hurt” in order to be better than supporting genocide.

              You’re seriously casting “stop supporting genocide” as a pipe dream for people with unrealistic expectations.

              • @PugJesus
                -21 month ago

                You’re seriously casting “stop supporting genocide” as a pipe dream for people with unrealistic expectations.

                Congratulations. You’ve ‘stopped supporting genocide’ by witholding your vote for mean ol’ Biden. That’ll show him!

                The trolley now goes down the Trump rail, and crushes even more Palestinians, in addition to Ukrainians, American minorities, and god knows who else.

                Yeah, gonna go ahead and say that “CORNEL WEST COMES OUT OF THE DRESSING ROOM WITH A STEEL CHAIR!” or whatever the red herring candidate du jour is is a fucking pipe dream.

                • @Ensign_Crab
                  01 month ago

                  Congratulations. You’ve ‘stopped supporting genocide’ by witholding your vote for mean ol’ Biden. That’ll show him!

                  I’m still voting for Biden, just like I was last time you made this baseless accusation.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          If you’re looking for a point in history when there wasn’t someone getting hit by the trolley, you’ll be looking a while

          Sounds like I should do what’s best to send a message to the Democrats in an effort to steer them away from being murderous then, since people are going to die either way and there is no winning with this single election. Thanks!

          • @PugJesus
            31 month ago

            Sounds like I should do what’s best to send a message to the Democrats then, since people are going to die either way and there is no winning with this single vote. Thanks!

            “People are going to die either way, so I might as well enable the worse choice!” - Voter in Weimar Germany

            Nice work, good job on murdering as many minorities as you can because… people are going to die anyway, so it may as well be as many as possible?

            And fascist simps like you wonder why you’re disdained by so many.

            • @[email protected]
              1 month ago

              I’m just following your logic and finding the action that has the best long-term effect.

              People are going to die anyway, right? That’s just history, right?

              • @PugJesus
                71 month ago

                Killing as many minorities as possible and ushering in fascism is the best long-term effect in your mind?

                Yeah, that tracks. You keep simping for fascism, bud.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 month ago

                  No, turning away the Democrats from having killing as a policy is.

                  As you say, people are going going to die anyway “that’s just reality” and I have to vote for a fascist if I vote for anyone. May as well cast an Uncommitted and punish the party that should be anti-genocide but isn’t currently.

                  (I am one of the minorities that will be targeted by a GOP admin, btw)

      • @PugJesus
        41 month ago

        We already have fascism already, and no real elections.

        Fucking lmao.

            • Remmock
              -31 month ago

              I don’t really see you as being in a position to take a high ground on the basis of usernames.

              • Frog-Brawler
                41 month ago

                When dumb assholes continue to say dumb shit, and their username happens to imply that their brain is somewhere other than in their cranium; it simply checks out. There’s no high ground. My username could be “shit-shingles” and it wouldn’t be implicit that my brain is elsewhere… “brain_in_a_box” on the other hand…

                • Remmock
                  -31 month ago

                  “Standards for thee and none for me” is all I’m taking from this.

                  Have a great day.

  • @[email protected]
    21 month ago

    Man that Boingo kid from JoJos Bizzare Adventure got into some weird circles since Stardust Crusaders

  • @superfes
    21 month ago

    Man, this last few dozen presidential voting cycles have been shittier and shittier every 4 years.

    It’s no wonder people aren’t interested in voting, of course if they were some of these problems would sort themselves out… regardless, it’s hard to encourage people to vote when you’re voting against a shit sandwich and a literal piece of shit.

  • @[email protected]
    -31 month ago

    I will never vote for Joe Biden again. That decision was made many years ago and has nothing to do with his vile actions over the past few years.

    If you feel like maybe you don’t wanna vote for Biden either, because he’s a genocidare or because he gave up on getting roe back or because he literally just came out and said the campus protests are wrong and he won’t change his mind, join me and cast a ballot for PSL at the presidential level instead.

    Send a clear message that when the democrats run genocide Joe they won’t get your vote.

    And more importantly, go get chummy with your neighbors. Make sure you have a few weeks worth of food in the pantry, get your finances straightened out, stay hydrated and keep some water in rotation.

    No one knows what we’re facing in the future, but you can be a stabilizing force for yourself and those around you no matter what it is.

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        If you cared about that you’d be pressuring the democrats to run someone else.

        If you believed it was a real threat you wouldn’t be trying to shame and browbeat people into casting a ballot for the democrats vile running dog and preparing to endure a time of upheaval instead.

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          If you cared about that you’d be pressuring the democrats to run someone else.

          Who says I’m not?

          If you believed it was a real threat you wouldn’t be trying to shame and browbeat people into casting a ballot for the democrats vile running dog and preparing to endure a time of upheaval instead.

          And if you were a decent person you’d hold your nose and vote against the obvious worse choice.

          But you both-sidesers just want to pat yourselves on the back.

          • @[email protected]
            11 month ago

            I already said I won’t vote for Joe Biden. Nothing you say will ever convince me and the only effect your replies can have is on third party readers of them.

            It doesn’t make me a bad person that there’s a bridge too far for lending my paltry, unimportant political support. Biden crossed that bridge before I even voted for him the first and only time in 2008.

            I will be voting against trump though, since my PSL ballot isn’t gonna be counted for him.

            If you think me and people like me (a group that is growing by the minute as Biden continues to carry water for Zionist fascism) are necessary for a democrat victory and you see that as of the highest importance, join us and add to the pressure the democrats are under to pick a different candidate.

            • @[email protected]
              1 month ago

              And again, from his privileged high horse, does he push the agenda of not voting for Biden and enabling a Trump victory.

              Fuck women’s rights, this is about moral superiority, dear reader!

              • @[email protected]
                11 month ago

                Running Biden enables a trump victory.

                I’m not the one doing that, the democrats are.

                Having a standard that is above genocide isnt an indicator of moral superiority.

                • @[email protected]
                  01 month ago

                  Running Biden enables a trump victory.

                  Votes enable or disable a victory. Everything else is abstraction.

              • @[email protected]
                1 month ago

                Fuck women’s rights

                Roe v Wade got obliterated in 2022, btw. Instead of codifying it when he entered office, he stood by and let it get scrapped. This does not sound like someone who respects women’s bodily autonomy.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 month ago

                  Gee I wonder who stacked the courts with the specific goal of doing just that…

                  Nah, let’s blame the guy who didn’t bypass the supposed checks and balances that we would scream at the right for abusing instead.

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        At this point, I honestly doubt Biden will do anything to stop this from happening anyways. I have 0 confidence he will do what needs to be done to protect trans people.