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The original was posted on /r/coolguides by /u/Dremarious on 2024-05-02 20:51:12.
Are they still in russia?
Hm. Apparently they left . . . Christ, six weeks ago?
Well. I guess its better than not. Still, way to make a statement, redbull.
Last time a beverage company tried to make a statement, their stock price dropped 26℅
What about a politically charged video featuring a massive celebrity?
This is not about supporting trans rights tho, is it. But okay, how about most western companies exited russia within six months after the invasion? RedBull hung in there for another couple of years. And you think they were concerned maybe a bunch of MAGAt shitheads would bring down their stock price temporarily? No.
I mean, I’ve heard the management are friendly with white supremacists but I don’t know why they stayed invested for so long in russia. I doubt it was fear of hillbilly discontent.
Red bull is also the most expensive which is why I barely ever buy it. As someone that blocks every ad I possibly can, red bull is also the only one that has a slogan or catch phrase whatever “gives you wings is” that I know of so I guess marketing pays off.
You don’t know monster’s?
“Puts hair on your pussy, pussy.” doesn’t ring any bells?
And bang’s. “Hey guys, come on, we’re an energy drink too!”
And of course Celsius’ “what the fuck is Celsius?”
Ohhhh . . . Yeah I guess those do sound familiar . . .
Red Bull is the best tasting one but I never buy it because of the price. Luckily it’s also the brand that most knock offs copy so those are the ones I buy and like the best too.
This one is much better. But more expensive too.
I really wish they made a caffeine free version of red bull (and dr. pepper, irn bru, and so on), I actually really enjoy the taste, but I hate how caffeine makes me feel… The fact that so few sodas are caffeine-free nowadays is so screwed up.
My go-to is Guru, not on that list. I really like it as it is not a sugary sludge like the others. However, I recently discovered Celsius sparkling water and was pleasantly surprised.
I am a Redbull lover over all the other drinks
Gotta agree with everyone else though with Redbull needing a few more variants (like caffeine free) and definitely are too expensive
Did you know Red Bull causes migraines - source Jerma985