Build a whole theme park
Build a whole theme park
that goes unbelievably hard
How the fuck have I never seen anyone say f-Elon before? Did you cook that up yourself? That’s actually really clever.
People really want free speech until they don’t.
If someone’s being a prick, just clown on them. They are entitled to speak their opinion, regardless of how stupid it is. Social ostracization will always be worse than anything moderation can do anyways.
Oh brother this guy stinks!
Take your upvote e.e
…yeah I carry a balisong for boxes
I got two. First is just Hanlon’s razor; “Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence”
The second one is a bit of a strange pick; its “But there’s no sense crying over every mistake; You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.”
Well you see, the point is to voice that you do not wish to support either party. There is no “gambling” here, because there is no shot in hell I’m going to vote between a Nazi and an unelected figurehead for a political party that promises they care about me or my people when in reality they just pretend they do just to get us to vote for them.
Positively fucking crazy how I’m evil for not voting for (effectively) the same administration that allowed Texas to put razor wire in a river that is firmly Mexican territory. Positively fucking crazy that I didn’t want to vote for that, my fucking bad.
I’m sorry for not disregarding my morals so you can feel better about yourself for helping to elect some shitstain who will preach acceptance and tolerance while removing Palestine from the map; I’m sorry for not wanting to vote for someone who will do fucking nothing to change the broken system that got us here in the first place.
The point of voting third party is to voice your discontent with the system. I’m sorry if me refusing to say “yeah I don’t like Nazis” loud enough by voting for someone I don’t agree with hurts YOUR chances of looking good by “helping get the good guy into office” you virtue signalling prick
Go fuck yourself.
Dude, shut the fuck up. Obviously people know that a 3rd party president will never make it to office; and that’s not the fucking point. Its about voicing your opinion; and to blame trump winning on the people who voted third party when it was clearly because the Democratic party fumbled and put forth a candidate that was not elected is incredibly disingenuous. This “your either with us or against us” bullshit is part of why the Democrats lost 2024
Stop chastising people for not compromising their morals by voting for a party they don’t fully agree with.
Voting 3rd party is not the same thing as not voting; but god forbid somebody disagree with you I guess
Also the fuck won by a landslide anyways
I’d define a server as a computer that is primarily interacted with through other networked devices.
Hardware/software doesn’t have much to do with it; you can have a server do basically everything you’d need running on windows 11 if you’re a masochist.
The news just doesn’t report shit like that.
OK Doomer.
Watch birthright citizenship; If its repealed, then sure, gay marriage is on the table; but I’m willing to put money on neither of these two things changing, because they can’t do that, it’s unconstitutional.
Positively crazy how this thread went from “gay marriage is not protected by the constitution” to “the constitution doesn’t matter anyways”. To my knowledge, the Trump administration has yet to do anything anywhere near this blatantly unconstitutional.
There are genuine things to worry about. Trans folk are being told they don’t exist; women are dying in labor because they cant get an abortion; people who even LOOK Palestinian are being mercilessly assaulted, and your choosing to spend your time worrying about something that is INCREDIBLY unlikely to be overturned.
I don’t have time for this thread anymore, and nor should anyone else. This is not the thing anyone should be worrying about right now; there will be signs and ample time to flee before something like this happens.
Yeah, there wasn’t even Subway Surfer gameplay under it
I just don’t see it; the only thing these fucks care about is money. They have the working class where they where they want them, and randomly assassinating its members is the easiest way to get people rioting.
I know I would be.
What’s wrong? Didn’t want to respond to the other 116 words?
Go fuck yourself. I provided a paragraph of explanation for my viewpoint, and the best you could muster was a strawman of the first 4 and a personal insult.
deleted by creator
Even the most devout cultists understand that culling 7% (and rising) of the population in a country with a negative birth rate is a bad move.
EDIT: I must admit, this reply has been living in my head rent free, and I have a lot more to say about it:
Are you aware of how much the death penalty costs? It is on average $3,000,000 for the state to execute someone (legally). Assume for a second you are a billionaire oligarch. You’ve cut taxes for you and your billionaire friends and raised them for the working class. Now assume you have 7.1% of the population that earns a roughly 10% higher wage on average (please note that although the median household income is lower than average for lesbian couples, both women do still make roughly 7% more than heterosexual women, as the gay wage gap exceeds the gender wage gap)
Now, although this percentage of he population produce more income, they are still firmly generally working class. So what do you do? Obviously you’d try to make it so they can’t marry so you can collect more from them in taxes; you wouldn’t fucking spend your tax dollars to murder them, that makes no sense.
They’re evil, they aren’t stupid.
Why should I believe any of these statistics when the percentage of gun owners is verifiably wrong.
I’m just not gonna trust any of the numbers in this post.