I was forced to watch Fox yesterday, and Hannety was talking about the campus protests (which everyone at Fox thinks is the end of America) and at the end of a sentence he casually slips in “now that looks like a real insurrection doesn’t it.” And immediately changed the subject.
That’s intentional, they’re trying to dilute the meaning so next week he can say, “So both sides have insurrections from time to time, many more took place under Biden than Trump.”
Yeah it was so transparent and stupid that I laughed.
Also, everyone on Fox is so ANGRY at everything. It’s ridiculous.
Fucking ridiculous. We need to start teaching media literacy in schools.
Rule number one is: Journalists should not be influencing your opinion. A statement like that from someone claiming to be a journalist should wipe everything they just said from serious consideration.
They get around it by not classifying their talking heads as journalist when they get heat on them.
Yeah. We need better rules about identifying news vs opinions and entertainment.
Sure they can say that in court, but their audiences don’t hear that.
We used to have those rules. A certain group of people got rid of them.
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Just so you know, we don’t approve of FOX News. They stole our name.
I know, right? They hardly ever show anything that foxes need to know.
Like how to scare sheep. Do foxes actually even scare sheep? I find that a bit dubious.
Who we? Foxes?
“our name”?
I watched that music video too.
Yeah I thought it would be fun to make that reference
I was watching the ABC news live reporting after the student phone live streams at UCLA ended and was surprised by how neutral and genuinely interested in the situation the woman doing the reporting seemed.
She was reading out all the signs they made verbatim and not in like a making fun kinda way but more trying to show why these people were here and that they are real humans with diverse backgrounds.
I think the Fox says something racist in the second panel.
The Fox is upset bc of the sooper special word it cannot say since, say… the 60s.
It says something unintelligible about master locks.