[email protected] (It’s a music style community): 404: couldnt_find_community
Other communities work fine:[email protected]
Do I have to enable my community to be federated or is it maybe getting blocked due to the name?
It looks like that specific community has not been fetched yet.
Try searching for: [email protected]
This should fetch the community.
After pressing the search button wait, even though it will stop spinning. In my experience around 10 seconds are needed
It found it immediately for me, but maybe someone else from the thread already searched for it.
that worked, thanks.
Thank you for this info!
I guess it might strain the servers but couldn’t the instance start a search for 404 communities automatically?
You need so search for it ([email protected]) on your instance ( The search won’t yield any results but will trigger a request to and it should become accessible / appear in searches a moment later.
Thanks. That did it.
How fast is the federation? I guess if you created it a few minutes ago it may take some time for copies to be made on the server.
It is not fetched until a user searches for it.
Ah thanks, now it makes sense why there was that community finding tool!
This should have been obvious to me as well as otherwise I guess it’d scale poorly if in the future there are millions of instances and communities.
It’s been a couple days