You’re trivializing authoritarianism by focusing on the US. Focus on Iran or Russia instead, then you’d have yourself a fun time.

  • @alphanerd4M
    55 months ago

    OK so this is like the central issue. So I think it’s really important that we discuss it and do our best to try and work out some definitions. From my research so far every indication seems to be that the reason why we don’t have solid definitions to go on yet is because you know history isn’t done yet, we’re still working out what exactly words mean and how to use them . And you know consensus is the only arbiter we have there so it needs to be discussed.

    • @3volverOP
      -15 months ago

      authoritarianism, in politics and government, the blind submission to authority and the repression of individual freedom of thought and action. Authoritarian regimes are systems of government that have no established mechanism for the transfer of executive power and do not afford their citizens civil liberties or political rights. Power is concentrated in the hands of a single leader or a small elite, whose decisions are taken without regard for the will of the people. The term authoritarianism is often used to denote any form of government that is not democratic, but studies have demonstrated that there is a great deal of variation in authoritarian rule.

  • @TechNerdWizard42
    45 months ago

    The US is not authoritarian. But it has all the bad perceives notions Americans project upon actual authoritarian states with none of the upside.

    Russia is also NOT authoritarian just like the US isn’t.

    Iran is. And if it weren’t for US intervention and sanctions, it would be thriving. Just like it was before US intervention and sanctions.

    There are many authoritarian style governments in the way that there are socialist style governments that are really just capitalism with some social safety net. Rarely is a government 100% something.

    • @3volverOP
      -25 months ago

      No, wrong. Russia is an authoritarian fascist dictatorship. Russia censors information, lies to its people, and forces them into dying in an unnecessary war. Not even reading the rest of what you have to write.

      • @TechNerdWizard42
        25 months ago

        Ummm… That’s EXACTLY what the USA does buddy. If you don’t see how they aren’t equivalent, you’re brainwashed. Propaganda is strong in the USA, but you are just a fucking idiot at this point. Byeeeee

        • @3volverOP
          05 months ago

          No it’s not. Russia has a conscription forcing young people to die fighting against Ukraine. The US does not have such a thing. Russia is an authoritarian fascist dictatorship which is rapidly becoming a terrorist state because of their fear of Ukraine joining NATO.

          As of 2021, all male citizens aged 18–27 are subject to conscription for 1 year of active duty military service in the armed forces, but the precise number of conscripts for each of the recruitment campaigns, which are usually held twice annually, is prescribed by particular Presidential Decree.

          • @[email protected]
            24 months ago

            It’s true that the US doesn’t have the draft, but it does have horrible situations where many young people see an obvious path to economic stability, and that’s joining the military. Maybe the military is their only clear way out of poverty. And predictably, as has been the case for decades, recruiting sergeants will lie about what these young men and women are going to be asked to do. But once they sign the papers, it’s too late. And years later, when they leave the service, they’ll be stuck trying to get medical care from the VA. Sometimes that works, but there are countless horror stories out there.

  • @apfelwoiSchoppen
    5 months ago

    Tell me you watch too much cable news without saying it.

    The US literally dictates the western world and has the largest military presense in the world. What other country has military bases all over the planet? The political will of the US is unparalleled and comes backed with a subtle threat of action. The other two countries you mention may have a lot of political will but not a lot behind it. Sure Russia is invading Ukraine and has a massive nuclear arsenal, so perhaps they approach the US by that perspective. China is the country that will assert its global hegemony next, after the US coughs it up. It won’t be Russia or Iran.

  • @breadsmasher
    25 months ago

    😂 good one! Do you write your own jokes?

    • @3volverOP
      -95 months ago

      You’re wasting your life writing pointless comments. Wake up sheep.

  • @3volverOP
    -55 months ago

    Or China as well, that’d be a good country to explore the authoritarianism nature of.

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      well, don’t let your dreams be dreams. There can be a sub just like this one for China. It definitely needs a revolution, but not one perpetrated by or for the west’s interest.

      Be the change you want to see. Down with authoritarianism.