South Dakota governor and possible Trump running mate says she made ‘a choice between [my children] and a dangerous animal’

The South Dakota governor and Republican vice-presidential hopeful Kristi Noem asked the American public to consider having to “make a choice between your children or a dangerous animal”, as she again defended her killing of a 14-month-old dog.

“I would ask everybody in the country to put themselves in that situation,” Noem told CBS’s Face the Nation about her decision to shoot the dog, named Cricket, after the animal ruined a pheasant hunt and killed a neighbor’s chickens.

“Because that’s what I faced, and I talked about it because what I’m tired of in this country is politicians who pretend to be something that they’re not.”

Asked why she did not surrender Cricket to an animal shelter before killing the dog, about 20 years ago, Noem repeated her prior claims that the creature was simply untrainable, had tried to bite her, and might have bitten others.

  • Flying Squid
    10310 months ago

    There is simply no way she is going to get out of this. Even lots of Republicans love their dogs and wouldn’t shoot a puppy.

    “I would ask everybody in the country to put themselves in that situation,” Noem told CBS’s Face the Nation about her decision to shoot the dog, named Cricket, after the animal ruined a pheasant hunt and killed a neighbor’s chickens.

    Okay. I’m putting myself in that situation.

    In that situation, I’d either get someone to properly train the dog or give it up to a rescuer and I would compensate the neighbor.

    I doubt she even compensated the neighbor.

    • Boozilla
      5810 months ago

      So many options on how to handle this that don’t require killing the dog.

      Like a lot of gun nuts, she can’t think outside of that very small box. Like a lot of gun nuts, she thinks this story makes her look like a “bad ass”.

      It makes her look like a trigger happy moron. Any psycho can shoot a dog. It doesn’t require strength or skill. It’s not impressive at all. It reveals her to be a sick POS with zero problem-solving skills.

      I do hope her political career is done. I hope we stop seeing stories about her, so she can take her place in the trash can of history where she belongs.

      • Flying Squid
        2110 months ago

        I would guarantee you that, while there are people who absolutely worship guns and shoot every animal they can get away with shooting, even a lot of them would draw the line at a puppy.

      • @disguy_ovahea
        810 months ago

        She has one problem solving skill that we’ve identified. She knows how to kill her problems away.

    • @[email protected]
      2610 months ago

      There is no situation, she is falling on her face because even farmers don’t shoot their animals anymore, let alone their dogs. If you have a big farm, you pay the vet so much money that they will do euthanasia for free. And if you just have a handful of animals, it’s like $20 or $30. They do this as a service so assholes don’t do messy/inhumane executions.

      • Diplomjodler
        1510 months ago

        Except the assholes that enjoy those executions. Like this one.

      • Flying Squid
        1310 months ago

        Honestly, I can’t keep reading her excuses for killing a fucking puppy, so I didn’t read the article.

  • kn0wmad1c
    7210 months ago

    She killed her dog and then immidately killed one of her goats too for shits and giggles.

    She’s not a politician. She’s an unhinged lunatic with bloodlust and an itchy trigger finger.

    • @autumn_rain
      510 months ago

      And she killed 3 horses. Because they were old.

  • Jaysyn
    10 months ago

    the creature was simply untrainable

    This is a lie.

    She’s a lying, authoritarian monster.

    When people show you what they are, believe them.

    • Flying Squid
      3310 months ago

      Even if it was true that Cricket was untrainable as a hunting dog, I doubt it would have been impossible to rehome.

    • @ShortFuse
      10 months ago

      Ask her what she thinks about immigrants and minorities.

      • @[email protected]
        1610 months ago

        Ask her what she thinks about immigrants and minorities.

        The guy she wants to work for has called them “animals”, so…

    • @AbidanYre
      910 months ago

      But if I were to suggest that all this doubling down makes Kristi seem untrainable…, suddenly I’m banned from Lemmy and on a government list somewhere.

  • @[email protected]
    5110 months ago

    You know, I kind of agree with her. I, too, am sick of politicians pretending to be something they’re not. So I appreciate her candor in revealing herself as a puppy-killing sociopath.

    On a related note, I wouldn’t vote for her for any office on Earth, because the last thing we need is more puppy-killing sociopaths in charge.

    (My dad would say, “I wouldn’t vote for her for dog catcher,” to say he thought she wasn’t fit for any office at any level, but when I think about it, that’s probably the office she’s least suited for.)

    • @sazey
      210 months ago

      Right! I’m tired of your overly smarmy backstabbing politician with the perfectly manicured public image. Let’s see the true lunatics come forth.

  • SouthFresh
    4310 months ago

    What happens when she decides a demographic of the US is “untrainable”?

  • @mhague
    3210 months ago

    She lied about meeting a world leader and had a fake story about it to make her look tough. She’s on TV as I write this and she can’t even answer any questions about it without dodging. She’s such a real character!

    • @Valmond
      1410 months ago

      She sounds like a Trump knockoff.

  • @IchNichtenLichten
    3010 months ago

    I’m confused, who is the “dangerous animal” in this scenario?

  • @[email protected]
    2610 months ago

    I too am tired of politicians pretending to not be total psychopaths, so perhaps I should be thanking Noem for taking this stance.

  • @[email protected]
    2610 months ago

    Something her pea brain cannot grasp: if I can’t train the dog perhaps someone else can do a better job.

    Nope, imma shoot it dead because no one is better than me at anything. This is the Republican Party in a fucking nutshell.

    • @Son_of_dad
      410 months ago

      Should have called Cesar Milan

  • @mipadaitu
    2110 months ago

    I’m tired of politicians pretending to be what they’re not too. I’m very glad she showed us exactly who she is, so we can all decide we don’t want her anywhere near anything important.

    Thank you, K. Noem. If you had lied we might have accidentally voted for you.

  • @sucricdrawkcab
    610 months ago

    Been in a situation with a dog like that and the vet was still the only option. She makes it seem like blowing a dog away is the only option.

  • @[email protected]
    610 months ago

    I’m tired of politicians pretend to be something that they’re not.

    Shot across the bow to all the sociopaths that are politicians.

  • @[email protected]
    610 months ago

    She’s tired of politicians pretending to be someone they’re not? She would go back to pretending about it if she had a lick of sense. Thankfully she doesn’t.

  • @Bobmighty
    510 months ago

    Her political aspirations are doa and deservedly so. She’ll only serve as tabloid trash now.

    • @Nutteman
      610 months ago

      You forget that this is America, she will be VP.

        • @Nutteman
          410 months ago

          Imo this only makes her more appealing for Trump to pick her.

          • Flying Squid
            410 months ago

            Trump does famously hate dogs and uses ‘dog’ as an insult on a regular basis.