• Jaysyn
    235 months ago

    Social media is kicking their ass this time.

  • @Linkerbaan
    65 months ago

    Good thing Americans memories don’t last longer than two weeks.

  • @[email protected]
    -105 months ago

    All I see is pro protest coverage though? There’s loads of video showing Jewish students getting roughed up on campus, none of it on the news. When those guys showed up to take down the encampment, it was wall to wall coverage about the aggressive actions.

    Similar for Columbia. Barely saw any coverage of the arrests that seem to be mostly agitators rather than students. Ground had a section on the blind spots the other day on this not getting coverage.

    We truly do live in Echo Chambers.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      55 months ago

      All I see is pro protest coverage though?

      Flip on FOX News.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        Fuck no. Why would I watch that shit?

        People are constantly saying that all of the news coverage is anti-palestinian but I don’t see it and you’re telling me to go to a single Network to find it. That circle doesn’t Square.

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          45 months ago

          all of the news coverage is anti-palestinian but I don’t see it

          Then try the NYT or the WSJ or any number of talk radio channels.

          • @dot0
            5 months ago

            what’s that quote about it being hard to get a person to see reason when they are pre-determined not to see reason.

            I think it’s pretty clear this buddy is interested in staying in their bubble and not interested in actually seeing what mainstream news looks like.

            the idea that mainstream news media, particularly in America, is pro-Palestinian is laughable.

            also I’d like that person to post a video of Jewish people getting treated by the police even remotely like the students protesters have been treated. if such a thing existed, I know that person would not have hesitated to post it in their first message.

            • @UnderpantsWeevil
              15 months ago

              also I’d like that person to post a video of Jewish people getting treated by the police even remotely like the students protesters have been treated.

              That’s easy. Plenty of the student protestors were Jewish.

          • @[email protected]
            -25 months ago

            I listen to podcasts from both of those. They’re nowhere near as biased as BBC or others who are covering the situation.

  • MxM111
    -165 months ago

    The right complains that the media is too left. The left complains that it is too right. Where is it?

    • @doingthestuff
      305 months ago

      It’s mainstream neolib Democrat left, which is mostly just authoritarian center. Except Fox. They’re authoritarian right.

      • @retrospectology
        75 months ago

        There isn’t really a “center”, either someone is able to parse new understanding about the world and society and then integrate that understanding into their political goals (adjusting as ideas fail or succeed) or they cling to outdated beliefs.

        This is especially true of the media, telling “some lies” and misrepresenting “some facts” doesn’t make an outlet centrist, it just makes them anti-truth and anti-reality.

        The notion that politics is a spectrum is one of the most successful political framing jobs conservatives ever pulled on people.

      • @Aceticon
        -15 months ago

        Neoliberalism is all about reducing the power that the mechanisms controlled by the vote have over the power of money (i.e. less regulation, less oversight, less “interference in the Market”) - it’s an ideology that seeks to reduce the State - including the State controlled by voters in Democracy - leaving Money as the only Power, or in other words: Oligarchy.

        Both main parties in the US are hard right, it’s just that Democrats are pushing for Oligarchy - were Money has total liberty and those who don’t have most of the Money and the Assets it buys are constrained in their choices by those who have - whilst Republican are pushing for Fascism - were the State still has supremacy over Money but it’s not controlled by citizens via their elected representatives.

        There is no political “center” in the US, there are only two forms of hard-right that differ in how much freedom Money has, not in how much freedom citizens have.

    • @trolololol
      85 months ago

      Wait s second, , the American left is too right. Case closed.

      • MxM111
        -85 months ago

        Or the Europe is too left. There is no clean way to define center.

        • @Psychodelic
          25 months ago

          Dude, political science is a whole-ass field of study! People have been on this shit for like a couple billion years now. lol

          • MxM111
            5 months ago

            Yes and? What is “center” depends on local politics and also changes over time. All you can say is that Europe is to the left of US in many (but not all) things, dude.

            • @Psychodelic
              35 months ago

              I don’t think that’s correct. I think you’re thinking of the Overton Window

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      On the right you have fascists and useful idiots. It’s all lies, rage, and prejudice. Somehow, not partaking in all that is supposed to be biased for some reason.

      Then there is the elitist neoliberal establishment running the media, politicians, and most of the corporations. Then, beneath those, there is a variety of different kinds of apolitical types and lefties that are differentiated mostly by how much they have bought into the system.

      There is almost zero mainstream media on either side that tells people anything that might lead them to try and get some power back.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      65 months ago

      Leftism is when you’re anti-war.

      Rightism is when you’re pro-war.

      We must find a middle ground. One in which we are in favor of the perfect amount of war.

      • MxM111
        -55 months ago

        Pacifism while noble, is not practical or even I will argue, moral stand. When you are attacked, you have right and obligation to defend.

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          65 months ago

          There’s no shortage of militant anti-war activists. Particularly when you’re in a country that involuntarily conscripts, pacifism isn’t an option.

          When you are attacked, you have right and obligation to defend.

          No argument here. Arm those students. Arm the professors. The Black Panthers had the right idea.

          • MxM111
            -35 months ago

            Are you saying your post was not sarcastic? Sorry about miss reading it.

  • @Son_of_dad
    -195 months ago

    I’m all against Israel’s attack on Gaza and all the atrocities.

    The white washing of history to make Hamas look like the good guys is atrocious, so I can’t in good conscience support any of these protests.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      285 months ago

      The white washing of history to make Hamas look like the good guys is atrocious

      When “Hamas” is the label you slap on the corpse to justify the killing, you quickly run into the problem of explaining why “Hamas” look like a pile of dead children.

      We saw the same game play out in Vietnam. We’d send marines into a village to do a Zippo Raid of a village we suspected of harboring dissidents and their supply caches. Consequently, we burned down the homes of countless bystandars and built up a large public hatred for American military occupation.

      “The Vietcong are no angles!” did little to bring Americans around in favor of Vietnam. The My Lai Massacre photos did little to justify the atrocities we committed. In the end, the picture of a Vietnamese resident during the war stopped being a Soviet-trained guerrilla and started to look more like a bunch of crying naked children.

      You can claim we “whitewashed” history to make the Vietnamese insurgents look good. But the truth of the matter is that we shouldn’t have been over there and we shouldn’t have committed all those horrendous acts. Trying to claim that the Vietnamese deserved it is a fool’s errand.

      Much like the Americans after Vietnam, Israel won’t be able to wash their hands of this blood for a generation.

      • @trolololol
        75 months ago

        The French shouldn’t have ever been there and they got their asses served to them. Then muricans said hold my beer and got served too.

    • @ikidd
      85 months ago

      The article forgot to mention the most important one that all the softheaded twats that still watch TV news are getting fed: that anyone protesting Israel’s genocide is lumped in with the very, very, very few lunatics that actually support Hamas.

      Those redundant muffins are actually lapping that bullshit up, along with “anyone that’s against Israeli policies is antisemetic”.

      You sound like you might be one of those chucklefucks.

    • A'random Guy
      -75 months ago

      Hamas are the good guys bro didn’t you hear? Honest to God freedom fighters. Their death cult and martyrdom complex has nothing to do with their relationship with surrounding countries

        • @Psychodelic
          35 months ago

          God damn, is that fascinating

          Most of the people in that community have very different views as to the purpose of the protests, to put it nicely. Really though, it’s clear by many of the commenters’ own admission, they have no idea why protests are happening, why this conflict is different, and why it’s taking place on college campuses. Again, fascinating stuff

          • @[email protected]
            35 months ago

            It’s worrisome to see. They’ve gotten so used to shrugging off irrelevant hate speech of Jews as a people, that now they’re shrugging off valid criticism of a genocide. The gentiles cried wolf.