being able to alter our consciousness with drugs is something all life forms with a nervous system do- there must be an evolutionary reason for it. How will AI acheive this?

  • @MrJameGumb
    1110 months ago

    The AI would probably pull a bunch of information about what people on drugs act like and then just pretend

    It’s just a program, it can’t actually “do drugs”

  • Kairos
    510 months ago

    This isn’t an answerable question, but with current technology the answer is likely affecting matrix transformation calculation.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    In humans drugs increase brain plasticity by connecting areas that don’t normally connect, giving you the illusion (or glimpse into some true reality, depending on how big of a dose of mushrooms/dmt you’ve taken your view on this may vary) of various things. Visuals. Mental ‘clarity’. Openness. Connectedness.

    So I’d just ask what is the analog of that for LLMs (or AI if you are talking about future technologies that may be discovered). Not sure myself. But it’s an interesting thought.

    I’m not a doctor so correct me if I made a wrong. Ty. I always welcome new info.

  • gimpchrist
    410 months ago

    Theyll main-line Linux straight to their domes

  • @tarix29
    310 months ago

    I think the AI equivalent of doing drugs would be putting random data through the model. So probably