Marijuana would not be decriminalized or legalized, but such a move would be a grand step forward after decades of the federal government’s war on drugs and ease legal business surrounding the drug.

  • @FlowVoid
    2 months ago

    Terrible opinion piece from a right-wing outlet (today they are also outraged that Biden is “abandoning” Israel).

    Anyway, Milgram “dodged” questions from GOP politicians trying to score political points by implying that cannabis rescheduling is illegitimate. Good for her.

    Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA) asked Milgram who was behind the rescheduling effort, the White House or the DEA.

    “Unfortunately, I’m not going to be able to get into this conversation right now,” Milgram said.

    • @jimmydoreisaleftyOP
      22 months ago

      Duopoly controlled media doing what they do best…

      Cater to the owner class, either way.

      Thanks for pointing out the blue/red team bias!

  • @snekerpimp
    82 months ago

    “There was a plan? I thought we were just stringing y’all rubes with promises till reelection”

  • @disguy_ovahea
    2 months ago

    Biden pushed for the HHS and DEA to deschedule three years ago. HHS recommended schedule 3 in 2022. The DEA stalled on confirmation, but finally agreed to schedule 3 just two weeks ago. The only way the President could override the rescheduling recommendation would be by Executive Order, which is a temporary measure.

    Congress could decriminalize it completely. That would justify pardoning countless victims of the system. Bills are often introduced just to die. There was another just last week.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Fat chance that the pharmaceutical industry moves in here as there’s no way to patent a plant and for the most part, transactions all have to he handled in cash. I can’t really see Bayer selling ounces of weed for $40 cash like everyone else and it’s not as if they’ll be able to do anything better than the players here who have been doing it for decades.

      Also it’s “Oregon”