• @Passerby6497
    2323 days ago

    Why would they? Their support of his station is transactional, as it should be.

    Why should Dems support the opposition party in and of itself? They’re shit heels the majority of the time, and the support this round was just because he played ball.

      • @[email protected]
        1223 days ago

        What price?

        What have Dems gotten for voting for Johnson?

        Probably the Ukrainian funding the MAGAs are trying to oust him for.

        But yeah I guess the existence of an empty impeachment inquiry that is going nowhere probably means the democratic party are full of suckers that don’t know what they’re doing, and MAGAs trying to remove Johnson just because they’re so wacky wacka flacka.

        • @givesomefucks
          -1223 days ago

          The first?

          There was the one that got him speaker, and the one that just happened…

          That’s two. And that’s ignoring the other motions to vacate and that it didn’t just take one vote to make him speaker.

          I don’t understand how anyone can think Johnson has only been helped by Dems once…

          • @RapidcreekOP
            823 days ago

            There was the one that got him speaker

            That vote was 209 Democrats and 220 Republicans. A straight party line vote.

            • @givesomefucks
              -1723 days ago

              That’s right, I was confusing him with the last republican speaker Dems voted for.

              Still not sure why we bailed him out after he tried to impeach Biden for bullshit reasons

              • @RapidcreekOP
                1023 days ago

                The previous speaker was McCarthy. The final ballot was 216 to 212 in a straight party line vote.

                Democrats did vote for his ouster, when a motion to vacate was brought.

              • @Triasha
                121 days ago

                He was bailed out because he passed Ukraine aid. (And Israel aid, and Taiwan). And before that he avoided a government shutdown.

                He caved on democratic priorities, which, sure, he should have done anyway, but he broke the Hastert rule for the first time in decades.

  • @givesomefucks
    -2223 days ago

    Even if we somehow get a Dem speaker…

    It’s going to be Jefferies who is almost as pro-Israel as Biden


    There’s only one other politician taking more AIPAC money than him


    Even if we “win”, we still ain’t winning. It’s the illusion of choice.

    Until we fix at least one of the political parties or get a viable 3rd, we won’t get dirty money out of politics, because the people who take it keep getting these leadership positions.

    • Xhieron
      323 days ago

      Easy to complain. Which district are you running in?

      • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
        022 days ago

        I’d run but I don’t want Melania to find out I’ve also been unfaithful.

        • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
          021 days ago

          I assume Barron Trump downvoted this and I assure him that poking his mom was solely for the paycheck and his dad who paid to watch.

      • @givesomefucks
        23 days ago

        Are you not aware of how much dirty money is in primaries?

        Or how the Dem party has spent the last decade or so saying primary elections don’t matter and if they want they can just ignore results?

        Like, you might as well have asked why I don’t get in my job cannon and fly off to job land where jobs grow on jobbies…

        • Xhieron
          23 days ago

          So you’re not running then? Amidst the rampant, unchecked political corruption you claim to observe in every direction, the solution you in your wisdom have found most powerful is to complain about it on the internet.

          • @[email protected]
            823 days ago

            That’s all these people do. Complain online. And when it’s time to actually do something, they’re vapor.

          • @Modern_medicine_isnt
            -122 days ago

            You offering up better ideas? Or just complaining about the complainer?

            Running for office isn’t going to help. The problem isn’t a lack of good poloticians, it’s the system that favors poloticians with views that match special interests over poloticians who’s views match the people’s.