- Zac Oreece, Senior System Designer I
- Adam McEwen, Principal Animator
- Camil St-Pierre, Lead Character Artist
- Andrew Davies, Lead Gameplay Programmer/AI Programmer
- Michael Clarke, Sound Designer III
- Marok:
- Flies around as a flock.
- Skin differs depending on the biome they spawn in.
- They couldn’t really use feathers due to tech constraints at the moment.
- They are implemented as boids - a stupider and less resource intensive form of an “actor”.
- Kopion:
- Is intended as a combination of dog and a cat.
- Has a few variants to better blend in with the environment, like Marok.
- They usually run around in a group of 10-14 (number at the time of recording, subject to change).
- Not a boid, fully fledged “actor”.
- Will not T-Pose on a chair.
- Faster than a sprinting player.
- Attack in formation.
- We should be able to hear the creatures from a distance.
- Both creatures can be looted when dead (“pearl” from a Maroks, horn from Kopions).
- They have a decent plan and a pipeline for creatures they’d like to add for 1.0, should be easier to implement future ones.
Limited TL;DW since it’s mostly a design episode. Lot’s of nice shots of environments and both creatures. There’s also a sneak peak at light amplification on a scope, space whale and space cow as well as lots of animal murder.
Bonus reminder: there’s no SCL tomorrow.
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