• @proper
    501 month ago

    ah yes of course, the ecclesiastical deep pool

    • @univers3man
      201 month ago

      I was just gonna comment on that like, wtf is this lol.

        • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
          261 month ago

          Did some googling, no idea. I’ll ask in the group.

          • @breakingcups
            351 month ago

            You’re like our undercover agent, sacrificing their Facebook algorithm for our entertainment. Godspeed.

            • @TexasDrunk
              261 month ago

              Definitely. Did he attach it to the back of the documents using strong bonding glue?

              For those wondering:

              An Ecclesiastical Deed Poll derives its power from two sources- the Divine and secondly the man or woman willing to stand as a competent living being and assert what is rightfully theirs. When these two forces are combined in a sacred deed, no force in Heaven or on Earth may lawfully defy its validity.

              When an official of the Roman Cult, its agents or the elite anti-semitic Venetian/Khazarian parasites dishonor such a supremely sacred instrument, they openly, deliberately and willingly dishonor their own laws- admitting to all the angels and spirits in Heaven and all the living on Earth that they no longer even pretend to follow the law, but instead are privateers, pirates and tyrants.

              The greatest power of an Ecclesiastical Deed Poll is therefore when it is deliberately dishonored by mentally ill and wholly incompetent officials such as judges, clerks, prosecutors and their agents.

              From The United Society of Free States of Spirits website.

              This seems even more whacko to me than usual.

                • @TexasDrunk
                  141 month ago

                  That’s because you’re not a member of their church with strong bonding glue.

                • @SkyezOpen
                  51 month ago

                  Looks to be advanced sovcit brain damage. Like not only do they believe they have the magic words and forms to defy whatever law they like and pay debts, they also believe all judges and lawyers are secretly evil beings that can be bound by a special paper, and ignoring it only proves how extra super evil they are.

                  Absolute insanity.

              • @[email protected]
                91 month ago

                I think if that’s what the post is referring to, then we are entering mental health territory, head first.

              • @Aganim
                1 month ago

                When an official of the Roman Cult

                Fuck, not the Romans again… They had their fun 2000 years ago, can’t they leave us be for once?

              • @dessimbelackis
                51 month ago


                As if Venice or Kazar are remotely comparable. I would love to know why this is in there

  • @Treczoks
    141 month ago

    I’d like to be the fly on the wall when this braindamaged being tries to get an attorney to follow up on this. I can already hear him whining about a “government conspiracy that made all attorney laugh at me!”

  • @ArtVandelay
    111 month ago

    any thoughts?

    Oh, I definitely have some thoughts all right

  • @[email protected]
    101 month ago

    i love that response, it’s the polite way of saying “this ain’t my problem, someone else can deal with your crazy”

  • @[email protected]
    61 month ago

    I think they’re evolving. The last few examples have had some even more ridiculous wording than usual.