• @[email protected]
    1159 months ago

    Intuitively speaking, how many times does half of a thing fit into a quarter of a thing? The answer is, exactly one half time.

  • @Redacted
    9 months ago

    ✅ Math is hard

    ❌ This math is hard

    • @Sylvartas
      59 months ago

      Yeah I was gonna comment that 0.25*(1/0.5) = 0.5 doesn’t look nearly as weird

        • @Sylvartas
          29 months ago

          Imo, as soon as you write it as 0.25 multiplied by a fraction it works, because you can then easily see that it’s the same as (1/4)*2

    • @[email protected]
      49 months ago

      The math looks perfectly fine. But when people phrase “half of a quarter” I think they have (1/2)*(1/4) in mind, instead of 0.25/0.5

  • @feedum_sneedson
    229 months ago

    If you give half a person a quarter of a thing, how much would you be giving a full person? That’s right baby, half a thing. Don’t sweat it.

    • southsamurai
      19 months ago

      It’s why my favorite way to troll the usual “why isn’t everyone on metric” goombahs is to tell them they’re just too lazy and/or dumb to do math with fractions.

      • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
        29 months ago

        I mean, I’m too lazy, but really - why make life harder than it has to be?

        • southsamurai
          09 months ago

          It isn’t actually harder. At all. People just think it is because them funny / signs is different from regular math. So they get put off by it even if they’re actually good at it because they’ve built the idea of hating fractions even though it’s a very intuitive thing.

          You take a string, fold it in half, you’ve got a fraction in front of you. The rest follows from that basic principle. But when you put it on paper, the only thing that isn’t obvious is dividing fractions. Even then, you could figure it out on your own with a bit of thought.

          Unfortunately, you jam a bunch of kids in a room and make them do boring things, often being taught by someone that isn’t actually good at math, and may have no desire to teach math in the first place, and you get droves of kids that hate math. Someone that likes math, and has spent time playing with it, they’ll have a way of translating it into different terms. Instead, you go by the book regardless of if the book works for kids of a given age.

          Fractions are just as easy as decimal. You can’t imagine how many kids struggle with division in decimals, or even just keeping the number line in mind when dealing with them.

          The one belt benefit decimal has over fractions is the ability to write things out by line and do most problems (other than division) in a simple box. That goes away once you’re dividing though. Dividing fractions is easier for some.

          Also, fractions are easier to estimate with. You can almost always guesstimate what half of a thing will be, so you can almost always keep going until the fraction is too small visually to detect. Eyeballing a tenth of something is not as easy for most people.

          Besides, it’s good for your brain. It’s like a muscle in that regard. If you don’t use it, it gets flabby. Flabby brains lead to shitty thinking.

          • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
            19 months ago

            I’m lazy, that’s why I prefer metric. It’s infinitely easier than dealing with fractions.

  • @LANIK2000
    139 months ago

    I just think of division as how many times the right expression fits inside the left expression. 0.5 fits into 0.25 only 0.5 aka 1/2 times, because only half of it fits.

  • _NoName_
    99 months ago

    A quarter is one half of one half. Makes perfect sense.

    • aname
      09 months ago

      That would be 0.25 = 0.5*0.5 and rearranged equation doesn’t help unless you understand it anyway