G’Day everyone, thanks for your time.

I’ve been using a ZVS induction coil kit as a dynavap dry-herb vape heater instead of a butane jet lighter. I currently have a toggle switch wired in to turn it on and off.

I would prefer the coil shut off after a set amount of time rather than keep cooking my dynavap pen. I’d like to add in a moment switch to turn it on for a set amount of time. I’m not sure if I should be looking at a timed relay switch or getting into programming an adruino or other small processor to have it handle being, for example, a 60 second on timer upon button press.

Thanks again.

ZVS coil: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/325785624667

  • @scrion
    4 months ago

    Depends. Are you interested in the quickest, easiest or cheapest solution? Would you like to learn something doing the project? Will it give you a sense of accomplishment if you build the contraption yourself?

    Something like this will do what you want for cheap: https://www.ebay.com/itm/262517951752

    … but maybe it’s too bulky?

    You’ll most likely switch the power supply for the coil controller, not the coil directly.

    • @dumblederpOP
      14 months ago

      I’ll probably wind up with both. I’m fine with learning things. In my past I’ve studied x86 architecture. That unit you posted looks like a good hardware solution, rather than going with an arduino/software solution. Thanks for the advice.