He can’t even be bothered to disavow the meaning behind the upside-down flag that was flown on his lawn in support of Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

As you’ve probably heard by now, for several days before Joe Biden was inaugurated in 2021, an upside-down flag—which had become synonymous with election denialism and the “Stop the Steal” movement, and had been brandished by some of the people responsible for the Capitol attack earlier that month—flew outside the home of Supreme Court justice Samuel Alito.

Given the meaning behind the upside-down flag, this would have been a bold political statement for anyone to make. But Alito is not just anyone—he’s a member of the highest court in the country, where justices are supposed to do everything they can not to appear biased. And at the time the flag was flying, the Court was deciding if it should hear Donald Trump’s case trying to overturn the election (it didn’t, but not for Alito’s lack of trying.)

And as Alito has made clear, he doesn’t give a f–k.

“I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag,” Alito said in a statement to the Times. “It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.”

  • @snekerpimp
    381 month ago

    Illegitimate court, no one should listen to any ruling they make, and every judge appointed by the orange sandwich needs to be removed

    • @disguy_ovahea
      111 month ago

      Unfortunately, that’s extremely unlikely. The last Supreme Court Justice to be impeached was Samuel Chase in 1805. He was acquitted and continued to serve until his death.

      They remain seated until they choose to step down or die. The average Justice serves for 16 years, but have served for as long as 34 years. Trump fucked a generation in one term.

      • @Dkarma
        230 days ago

        I think they meant by bullet 🤷‍♂️

      • @snekerpimp
        -21 month ago

        The same copy/paste comments on multiple posts. What kind of bot are you?

        • @disguy_ovahea
          30 days ago

          My comment is the same reply to the same comment that you made on the same post in news. Hi pot. I’m kettle.

  • @jaybone
    61 month ago

    What was the personally insulting language on the neighbors yard signs?

    • @[email protected]
      630 days ago

      He probably had his own yard sign that said “Stop the Steal” and the neighbor got one that said “Jesus fucking Christ, aren’t you a Supreme Court justice!?”

      • @jaybone
        630 days ago

        Yeah the neighbors probably called them out for being the assholes that they are. And they got all offended by it.

  • @Daft_ish
    30 days ago

    What a shitty flag pole. That guy should be ashamed.