Good game, great last quarter

  • rezzM
    24 months ago

    Dallas looks good from the size mismatch on OKC. But they will be neutered there against MIN or DEN. Gonna be hard for them to win 2-3 games.

  • @pdxfed
    14 months ago

    Will be fun to see DEN or MIN crush DAL. For all their incredible talent, Luka and Kyrie just low on the likability scale.

    • @[email protected]
      54 months ago

      Dont think it will be that easy. I really disliked kyrie for most of his career, but hes shown incredible growth in the 1 area he lacked on the court: leadership. Even when he wasnt scoring, he was playing tough defense, dishing the rock, and empowering his younger players to lay it out thre on the floor, make or miss, because its probably a good shot. While i agree luka needs to stfu sometimes, hes mostly injured this series. If he can get a bit healthy i dont think den or min will easily steamroll the mavs

    • @barbarosa
      24 months ago

      When Luka’s not bitching and flopping he’s enjoyable to watch and Kyrie is very enjoyable to watch so not sure why ppl hate them so much

      • @pdxfed
        24 months ago

        Kyrie has been a model citizen the last few years, I’m almost starting to be able to tolerate him before but the dude, as noted below, has dug himself quite a hole.

        Luka bitches at every single possession if his shot doesn’t go In, so it makes it difficult to enjoy his greatness

        • @barbarosa
          14 months ago

          Also when the shot goes on and it’s not a foul ;-)

    • @garretble
      14 months ago

      Luka is very good, but I hate watching him complain. Play the game.