The FDA said it expects additional supply will be returning in the coming months.
Many of the ADHD medication shortages that have plagued the U.S. for the last two years have now been resolved, the Food and Drug Administration says. Yet some doctors and patients report they are still struggling to get prescriptions filled.
Dr. Royce Lee, a psychiatrist at the University of Chicago Medicine, said supply has gotten better but it’s still an issue for about a third of the patients he writes prescriptions for. This often means he still has to call around to pharmacies to see if they have the medications in stock, switch patients to different drugs, and deal with insurance companies to confirm coverage.
“I do see signs of the shortages easing up,” Lee said. “But there are still enough shortages that every day we’re having to put in a little bit of work for prescriptions that need to be changed or hunted down.”
What was the reason for the shortage?
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Fantastic, I was forced out of my optimal dose and lost approx 3 months of my job hunt during peak hiring times because these idiots can’t get their shit in gear.
What a mess.
Just my two cents so take it with a grain of salt: Adderall is extremely sought after on the black market, especially among rich fucks. The abuse is probably the worst it ever was so I suspect a lot of it just goes missing before it can get labeled. In other words: Corruption.
This possibly does happen. I wouldn’t be surprised at all, but… I’d suspect it would simply be a easier to do overseas rather than contend with the controls that are in place.
What you can order on the clear web and have shipped via USPS (from overseas) is pretty telling already. The DEA intercepts perhaps 1% of those packages - so few that overseas pharmacies will re-ship if it happens.
Imagine what you can order via dark web using crypto - if it’s not connected to you other than an address (which you could send it to any address and simply steal the package), the risk is minimal.
The FDA waltzed in and shut everything down without due cause.
Fuck these rogue agencies. They are not the law. FDA has overstepped its authority since pretty much the start.
FDR voiced concerns about an organization like the FDA, explicitly stating they have no authority to dictate how medicine is used (only to ensure it’s safe and not adulterated)… And yet here we are, with Scheduled drugs and lists of approved uses.
My non-adderall prescription has been on backorder for weeks.
Interesting. Mine was on back order for months and finally has started being stocked regularly
Wtf does the FDA have to do with drug production, other than enforcing safety (which was their original mandate, even the president at the time worried they’d overstep their bounds).
Just another rogue agency that thinks it’s the law.