They’ve been around so long, and are so ubiquitous to soda, is there really anyone on Earth that doesn’t know it exists? 🤔

It’s not like they run “convincing” ads against competitors anymore. Like a Coke ad isn’t trying to convince me to switch brands, they’re just like “Hey! This exists! Come try it!”

  • @phx
    22 years ago

    Maintaining presence of mind. Everyone knows they exist and most have probably had a coke, but when you’re hot and thirsty and want something cold, that last ad you saw might specifically whisper in your hindbrain “I want a coke”.

  • @Carnelian
    12 years ago

    Coca Cola actually has a lot of bad press they need to drown out. For example, they’re the worst plastic polluter on the planet, and plastic waste/micro-plastics are an ever growing concern.

    By keeping their advertising pressure high, it gives them an outlet to control that narrative. They could say “We reduced the amount of plastic in our bottles by 25%!” and make people think they’re addressing the problem, or make them feel less guilty about supporting the product